The Gracchus Tragedy CHW 3M
Rome Has Problems! The biggest Rome’s problems was the masses of poor people created by: Poor recruitment practices (many peasants lost their land) The rich taking over and hoarding all this land (used peasants as slaves) Ironically, the very people who stood up for the people helped bring about the fall of the Roman Republic Who would stand up for the common people????
The Gracchus Bros. Two brothers – Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus – dared to challenge the Roman system and stood up for the common people.
Tiberius Gracchus Grandson of Scipio Africanus While serving as quaestor, noticed the plight of the poor Gangs of poor slaves working on the huge farms of the rich Realized this was due to poor recruitment practices and the abuses of land policies by the wealthy Decided to fight back! 133 BC – Elected tribune See speech on p. 226 Brought back old land policies Put limits on landholding – all extra land to be divided among people
Tiberius Gracchus Challenged the Senate Did not seek Senate approval for bill – skipped them Huge insult – Senate influences one tribune to veto bill Tiberius persuades Assembly to eject this tribune – unprecedented Senate keeps stalling – is uncooperative Tiberius responds by running for re-election – unprecedented Senate outraged – starts riot and murders Tiberius and 300 supporters
Gaius Gracchus – Champion of the People Tiberius’ younger brother Gaius was also loved by the people, very charismatic Furious at his brother’s murder, continued in his footsteps (“Those worst of men have murdered the best of men, my brother!”) Also a quaestor, when running for tribune election, so many came to vote that there was not enough room in the city! Re-Elected without running Had broader vision than Tiberius: Continued new land law Created new colonies to supply cheap grain for the poor
Gaius Gracchus – Champion of the People More reforms: Improved roads to make transportation of grain even cheaper Provided equipment and clothes for its soldiers free of charge These were excellent reforms and made him very popular. Then he got controversial: Charged the Equestrians with forming the juries to try extortion cases – instead of the Senate Equestrians were quick to prosecute the upper class! Tried to grant full citizenship to Latin allies – but this made everybody fear losing power
“Reformers in too much of a hurry” Gracchus lost next election Soon murdered, with 3000 followers, by another Senate-created riot Irony: The very people who stood up for the common people contributed to the destruction of the Roman Republic Senate supposed to be a system of checks and balances But Gracchus bros. alienated the Senate, divided it from the people Split Rome apart, created class divisions, led to civil violence Set the stage for the fall of the Republic