MEMORY STRATEGIES Adapted from Vogel (2000).
Memory Strategies Learning is synonymous with reviewing. Review frequently and regularly throughout the semester.
Memory Strategies Color code, enlarge, underline, and highlight your notes and text to strengthen your visual memory of the material.
Memory Strategies Copy your notes over. The act of writing facilitates memorizing.
Memory Strategies Read aloud (tape recording while reading) if hearing with or without seeing words helps you remember what you’ve read.
Memory Strategies With the professor’s permission, tape record lectures and listen to them while driving, exercising, eating, grocery shopping, etc…
Memory Strategies Rehearse material to be mastered either orally or in writing. Write out concepts in full. Paraphrase or explain concepts to a tutor or friend. Read your notes silently or aloud, whichever works best for you.
Memory Strategies Review frequently and commit material to memory using strategies that aid recalll such as listing, categorizing, drawing, imaging, revisualizing, alphabetizing, and devising acronyms and associations.