Evidence - Database By Grace Gallagher Chin
3/10/12 Validation Rules For some of the data a validation rule is needed for example for status a validation rule of those three colours is used, red being critically endangered, orange being endangered and blue being at risk. Each field has a specific data type. For example for the adoption cost would be currency as it is a price.
Field Names For each of the different field names they needed different data types. For the majority of the fields the data type was ‘Text’. However for the Weblink the data type was ‘Hyperlink’ this is because it would allow the user of the database to click on the weblink and be able to access it straight away. For the adoption cost the data type needed was ‘Currency’ because it allows you to use numbers and currency symbols and will reject letters which is important when importing the data so that none of the data imports incorrectly.
Lookup Wizard For certain fields a ‘Lookup wizard’ was needed. A lookup wizard was needed for the category group as well as status and threat. A look up wizard helps you to create a drop down box so you can only enter certain data. For each of these groups I typed in the values that I wanted. Which is shown here.
Importing data Next the data needed to be imported, in which the text file was found on the DIDA Wildcare level 2 website, First you need to click browse and the find the text file. Then click ‘Append to a copy of the records to the table’ as you want it in the database that you have created.
Final Database This is the completed database with all of the data which has been imported and all of the data is in the right column. As you can see there are no gaps or anomalies in my data and everything is in the right column which shows that the data has been imported correctly.
Creating buttons for data entry form Delete Record & Save Record:
This is what the tables looked like in my form although you did have to scroll down to see them. This is what the form look like in Design View. This is what the form look like in Form View.
These drop down boxes are needed for all of these categories because it is to make sure that no anomalous data is typed in. The buttons are needed to navigate the form. To perform different actions.
Adding new animals to my database We then had to add a new animal to the database using the form, I chose the animal the Bald Uakari which is a mammal. I then imported it to my data by clicking the button add record. I used the websites
Adding new animals to my database The next animal I chose to import was the Asiatic Lion, which like all the other animals in the database was endangered. I got the information from two websites, I then added the information onto the form and then clicked ‘Add Record’.
Adding new animals to my database The last animal that I imported to my database was the West Indian Manatee, I got the information from two different websites, D=11&sp=701http:// D=11&sp=701. I entered the information into the form and then clicked add record and it imported into my database.