Judith Ungar and Barbara Stockland Harrisburg Area Community College, Pennsylvania March
HACC - Harrisburg Statistics (College Data Book ) Full-Time Students 3659 Part-Time Students 6808 Freshmen 24.9% of FT 39.1% of PT Enrolled in Developmental Courses English1729 Math1726
Library Issues Increase in Reference Desk staff time due to: Microsoft Word PowerPoint Resetting Passwords Student confusion Financial aid Counselors/Advisors College Calendar Professor contacts No computer literacy test
The Initial Meeting It Takes a Village Chris Fuller, Harrisburg IT Christine Cappuzzo, Harrisburg Director of Counseling Judith Ungar, Librarian Barbara Stockland, Librarian
The Initial Planning Questions: What are the students having trouble with? How much information should we give them? What information must we include? What is the best way for us to present this information? When will Boot Camp take place? What do we need in a location? How much help will we need? Can we do this?
Boot Camp is Born HACC’s Computer Boot Camp is a one- on-one interaction between a volunteer and a student that provides time to discuss technical skills and computer knowledge required by our students to succeed at our college.
What information did we include? A combination of HACC specific and general technology
Q: What if I forget my PIN or it doesn’t work? Try your birth date or another password you frequently use. Go to HACCWeb > Enter your HACCid >> Leave PIN field blank, and click on the “Forgot PIN?” button > Answer the security question > Reset PIN If you can’t answer the security question, go to the Welcome Center with a photo ID.
What is it? This is HACC’s official student system used to communicate with you. Your username and temporary password were sent to you in your admission letter. How can I open my HAWKMail account? Option 1: From the HACC main page ( click the “HAWKMail” link on the right. Option 2: Login through the “myHACC” portal
What if I forget my HAWKMail username or password? To find your username, login to HACCWeb and locate your HAWKMail username and address under the Personal Information tab. To reset your password, call for assistance from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday. For more information about HAWKMail, see
A storage device you can use to save your research papers, presentations, and other course assignments. Step 1:When starting a paper, plug in your flash drive. Step 2:Once your paper is set-up, click the “save” icon in Word or other program. Step 3:In the folders area, select your flash drive. Step 4:Save often, making sure you are always saving on your flash drive. Step 5:Before removing flash drive, click the “remove and eject” icon, wait for the “safe to remove” pop up. View videoView video and add our documents to your new flash drive.
Material Given to Students
Logistics Hold Event in Library Centrally located Room Location-Smaller Library Classroom Larger room used for library instruction Noise level
Call for Volunteers
Volunteer Training Training can’t be time consuming Given a folder of materials Volunteers had different skills and experiences Rules: Introduce yourself Give a handout Let students drive the mouse Give out flash drive Survey
Incentives for Students to Attend Development Officer, Harrisburg Campus John Frisch, President, Higher Information Group HIG has contract for photocopiers and printers at HACC Frisch donated 500 1g flash drives for Boot Camp blast to faculty Extra credit Welcome Center Identify students who had trouble with technology when registering for classes
Certificate Validation of student’s accomplishment Served as proof of attendance
Publicity blast to Harrisburg Faculty and Staff Student Newsletter Faculty Newsletter Info cards Cafeteria Library Counseling center Career Center Writing Lab Poster on front door of Library Facebook Web site (Library and Harrisburg Campus)
Possible/Unforeseen Issues Decision not to make appointments Classes cancelled and students required to attend Busy times versus sharp drop at night Volunteers who couldn’t attend training LOTS of printing. Who can share costs? First week of class is busy time for everyone
Attendance Average session ~25 minutes 43 hours31 hours28 hours
Survey Results: Question 1 How helpful was Boot Camp? (1=not helpful; 5=very helpful) ScoreWEDTHURSFRICLASSES
Survey Results: Question 2
Anecdotal Data - Faculty As a tutor in the learning center, I have noticed that we have had fewer students who have needed help logging into their math and chem. homework programs this semester. I do not have any hard data to provide, as we did not keep records of these types of questions. So this is an anecdotal observation. We also did not ask students if they attended the boot camp. However, we have overheard students say that they attended. Thanks to all who helped with the computer boot camp! -Rose Ann C.
Anecdotal Data - Students
What’s Next Computer Boot Camp materials to be included in Student Orientation Requests for Boot Camp materials from other campuses Computer Boot Camp in individual classes
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