Welcome to Aberdeen Welcome to Computing Science
College Structure College of Physical Science (CoPS) Head of College: Professor Bryan MacGregor School of Geosciences School of Natural & Computing Science School of Engineering
Useful links: Student Support Needing Advice? We are here to help you with confidential, independent and non-judgemental advice and support. Student Advice and Support Office International Student Advisers – Support and confidential advice for international students. Disability Advisers – Support and confidential advice for disabled students including students with medical conditions and specific learning difficulties. Student Support Advisers – Support, information and confidential advice on financial, personal, university issues, etc. Telephone or visit the Ground Floor of the Hub, Elphinstone Road, Aberdeen
Tutorials: how to sign up Only if more than 1 session
MyAberdeen is the University’s virtual learning environment. This is where you will find learning materials and resources associated with the courses you are studying. Login at: You can find more information and support for using MyAberdeen at:
Where is Computing Science? Everything is on the Web pages, deadlines, regulations, etc. Meston Building CSD: 2 nd Floor
People Head of Computing Science: George Coghill Director (undergraduate studies): Yaji Sripada Level 2 tutor: Nir Oren Level 3 tutor: Martin Kollingbaum Level 1+4 tutor: Frank Guerin Advisers: See your Adviser to register for or change courses! You: Need to elect 2 year reps! Two staff/student meetings per year (in week 5)
Level 2 Tutor Dr. Nir Oren Office: Meston 222 Homepage:
Level 3 Tutor Dr. Martin Kollingbaum Office: Meston 219 Homepage:
Level 1 and Level 4 Tutor Frank Guerin Office: Meston 227 Homepage: Teaches Level 1 Course CS1015 Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Portal Is your study aim (degree) correct? Check via student portal. Are you registered for the correct courses? Check via student portal. If wrong, see your Adviser… You may have problems graduating next Summer unless you get your course choices right now! Timetables also outside G01
Attendance Good attendance => Good exam results Past years show a strong correlation Have to sign-in for practicals Registry still send C5, C6 “warning” letters etc… See on-line CSD Handbook for rules…
Absences & Medical Notes Will be sent an about attendance monitoring. Off sick: need to complete a self certificate medical form which are available online or outside the Meston G01 office or If off for more than 11 working days need to obtain a doctor’s letter. Hand in doctor’s note to Meston G01 Please notify Course Organiser if you miss a deadline due to illness (before deadline) Only Level Coordinators (for HoD) can grant “extensions” to deadlines But illness can be taken into account…
Mentoring The University is concerned about retention and poor attendance, esp. in Level 1 Mentoring Scheme: Groups of about 10 Level 1 CS students Two Level 3 student mentors (CS3021) One PhD/Postdoc supervisor Friendly faces, similar experiences… Advice/discussion on issues/problems… Optional, but recommended for all Level 1 CS students Some students found it very helpful before – try it and see!
Assessment & Progression Examination & Continuous Assessment Feedback from CAs should help you measure how well you’re doing… Assignment boxes are located in the Meston foyer before you go upstairs unless told otherwise. Typically: exam 50% + continuous 50% Passes in CS1016 and CS1515 are required for entry to Level 2 Computing Resits – August (best to avoid!)
Level 2 Information & Contacts Bookmark the Level 2 Home Page - check regularly for announcements CSD: Plasma screen Regulations Booklet & Online Level 2 Handbook Talk to us! Tutors, Demonstrators & Lecturers HoD (by appointment)
Level 3: Honours Regulations IMPORTANT: Only your first attempt at a honours assessment counts towards the final honours degree classification. Resits gain credits but do not improve mark for degree classification! If are awarded a “ No Paper ” for any course – counts as CAS of 0
Progression Regulations Entry into Senior Honours (Level 4) is not automatic: Students who have been accepted unconditionally onto an Honours programme will be eligible automatically to progress to the final year if they: 1.pass a minimum of 90 credits of the prescribed Level 3 courses for their intended degree programme AND 2. Satisfy any additional conditions imposed by Degree Regulations
Computer Accounts & Keys CSD Computer Accounts Keys Level 4 students are entitled to a key to Meston building A refundable £20 deposit is required (will not be refunded if you lose your key) Keys available from Meston Reception (G01) Please wait until next week
Plagiarism Very serious issue! In simple English: cheating, copying, etc. With computers, plagiarism is easy! With the Internet, plagiarism is increasing! Staff obliged to report suspected plagiarism Penalties: Zero for assignment … zero for course!!
Software detection tools may be used Boss/Sherlock: Moss: Always acknowledge your sources: Acknowledge contributions of others Properly cite source - i.e. full URL or reference Writing “ got this from the Web ” isn’t enough! If in doubt, ask your lecturer! Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism – How to Avoid Read assignment instructions carefully Usually, this means do the work on your own Note: it is OK to discuss assignments in general terms with your colleagues… Read the undergraduate handbook! Leave plenty of time for assignments Most copying happens the night before the deadline
ACHIEVE The Graduate Attributes site Interactive learning resources Self-assessment tests & exercises Reflect & record in your ePortfolio
Important Info Societies (BCS, ACM, Computer Society)
PrizeStudent Record Code (eg 874) Amount of AwardStudent ID Number NameQSP Prize Ref (eg PRIZ/ ) QSP Ledger Code (eg 2120 RE051 EBZ0062) *Requiring Registry Authorisation ( ) Notes EDS Prize in Computing Science700£ NITSCHE, LisaPRIZ/ CS000 EBZ0196 Cheque to be collected at the cash office by Shirley Mackie – 6 July 2011 BCS Prize for Best Level 2 Computing Science Student 047TBC HALL, OwenN/AAwarded directly by Sponsoring Body BCS Prizes in Computing Science for CS2508 Project 049TBC LEARMONTH, IainN/AAwarded directly by Sponsoring Body Logica Prize in Computing & Computing Science 512TBC DIDLA, ShammiN/AAwarded by the Discipline Rob Milne Prize for Best Student in CS TBC STANKOWIAK, MikolajN/AAwarded by the Discipline Sandy Murray Programming Prize702TBC MATEI, RaresN/AAwarded by the Discipline