Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Ms. Sims, Mrs. Carstarphen, Ms. Hodge, Ms. Walker
Expectations We expect appropriate, respectful behavior from your child here at school. We expect our students to be prepared each day with necessary materials. We expect your assistance in helping our students to succeed.
Positive Behavior Supports Highland Gardens Elementary is a Positive Behavior Support School. Each student has a paw punch card. Each student has a chance to receive 20 paw punches for demonstrating positive behavior. If your child receives 20 paw punches they will be able to attend the PBS Party. ASK your child how many punches they received today???
Grade Level Behavior Plan 1 st time: Verbal Warning. 2 nd time: Behavior mark written on the behavior log and silent lunch. 3 rd time: Behavior mark written on the behavior log, loss of recess and parent conference. 4 th time: Detention notes will be sent to notify parents. These are to be signed and returned the following day. 5 th time: Office referral and RTI referral. Students who have displayed positive behavior for the week will receive a special treat every Friday.
Grading Scale 100%- 90%= A 89%-80%=B 79%-70%= C 69%-60%=D 59%- 0= F Students will have a minimum of 9 daily grades and 4 major grades. Progress Reports will be given out mid quarter of every nine week period. See Student Code of Behavior book (page 66) for Report Card Dates.
Grading Policy Major Grade: Tests/ Projects = 65% Minor Grade: In Class Assignments=35% Homework= 5%
Absences 10 unexcused absences results in AUTOMATIC FAILURE. Students have 3 days to make up missed assignments with an EXCUSED ABSENCE. Excuses must be sent within 3 days of the absence. Missed assignments will result in a zero. Ten points will be deducted for each day a project is late.
Communication Parents, please keep telephone numbers current with your child’s teacher. Conferences may not be held during instructional time. Available days/ times: Tues.-Thurs. After School
Things to look for A 4 th grade newsletter will be sent home weekly. Reading logs will be sent home daily and will count as a minor grade. Conduct logs will be sent home DAILY. Homework: Math and Spelling homework is given DAILY Students must read for at least 20 minutes every night. Students must practice basic math facts every night.
Is your Child Prepared? Math/Science/History- Students need a 3- ringed binder w/dividers. ELA- Students will need 2 composition notebooks and 3 folders. NO MECHANICAL PENCILS ARE ALLOWED. (wooden pencils only). Please make sure that your child is prepared for class on a daily basis.
Supply Drive Dates October- Hand Sanitizer & Wooden Pencils December- Kleenex & Paper Towels
Thank you for sharing your time and children with us. The 4 th Grade Team