Welcome to Kohrville Elementary Parent Orientation Night Mrs. Georgia Hethcox Mrs. Lori Scott Grade
School Website Campus= Kohrville Teacher=2 nd grade » Hethcox » Scott
Class Schedule Mrs. Hethcox’s class= A.M. Reading/ Language P.M. Math, Science, and Social Studies Mrs. Scott’s Class= A.M. Math, Science, and Social Studies P.M. Reading/ Language
Your child’s day… School starts at 8:05. Morning Activities: unpack, turn in folders, sharpen pencils, Everyday Counts, journal or other morning work, school announcements, and classroom announcements
Language Arts Language *Language notebook Composition-Writing Spelling -high frequency words and topic related words Handwriting – Manuscript/cursive
Reading *Mini lessons *Small group *One on one – Reading levels – Fluency – Comprehension *The Daily 5 It’s a gradual-release approach that helps students to become more independent workers. *Reading notebook
Lunch We have lunch at 11:15.
Recess 11:45-12:15 (Monday-Friday) When the weather does not permit outside recess students may bring board games to play inside. Students may bring playground balls, soccer balls, footballs, and jump ropes to play with at recess.
Math We practice math together… – Whole group – Small group – One on one *Please practice addition and subtraction facts at home too ! *Information will be sent home with your child so he/she can access our math program, Pearson, from your home computer.
Social Studies & Science Whole group and small group activities Hands on activities Group and individual projects Science and Social Studies notebook Tests= open book
Music & P.E. Mrs. Hethcox’s class Monday=P.E. Tuesday=Art Wednesday=P.E. Thursday=Music Friday=P.E./Music Mrs. Scott’s class Monday=P.E. Tuesday=Music Wednesday=P.E. Thursday=Art Friday=P.E./Music
Library Our library day is Mrs. Hethcox’s class=Friday Mrs. Scott’s class= Thursday
Art Our Art day is Mrs. Hethcox’s class=Tuesday Mrs. Scott’s class= Thursday *at 8:30
Grading Guidelines Daily grades will account for 50% of the report card grade, and major grades will account for the other 50%. Major grades are circled. All others are minor grades. Make-up work for absences will be made up in class.
Tuesday Folders It goes home every Tuesday. Please review the current week, sign and have your child return it the following morning. – Please keep completed work at home. – Please send sign and return papers back to school. – Please check for important notes and school information. It is a great way we can communicate weekly It will inform you of areas that your child needs to continue to practice as well as areas of success. - = doing well -S = doing well *Please clean out your child’s backpack every weekend for things that might have been overlooked during the week.
Homework *Homework is for practicing skills and developing a routine. Homework is given in the Homework folder every Monday and is due back completed on Friday. – Left pocket=homework sheet for week – Right pocket= monthly calendar – We go over the week’s homework on Monday morning, and review for any questions daily. Your child needs to bring his/her homework folder to school every day. -contains daily work -a great place for you to put notes and other important information you need to send to school -a way for your child’s teacher to easily contact and send notes home Contains a monthly calendar where we write important upcoming events as well as daily conduct. – = a good day *Homework folders do not go home on Fridays.
The 2 nd Grade Curriculum Is based on grade-level standards for all students in the state of Texas
Our Class Rules 1. I will respect others. 2. I will follow directions. 3. I will be prepared. 4. I will respect school and personal property. 5. I will raise my hand before speaking. 6. I will work quietly.
Conduct Conduct is recorded in our class conduct book. - verbal reminder of appropriate behavior – Name in conduct book/written in hw folder – Time out – Note home – (after 3 notes home-Opportunity Room after school) *major= office visit The Tuesday Folder is reflective of your child’s behavior for the previous week; Monday - Friday. *Each student earns punches in their punch card for good conduct. (Ex. Returning hw folder, following directions right away, being a kind classmate…) They will bring home filled cards with a note attached for a great prize at home. *Class prize chart= a way for the class to earn rewards. Once the chart is filled the class will vote for a prize from a list of prizes they have developed. A note will be sent home informing you of their choice.
Supplies Thank you for sending supplies with your child so that he/she can do his/her best work! His/her supplies sometimes run out during the year. (pencils, crayons, erasers, kleenex…)
Dress Code Please be sure that students are dressed appropriately for the weather. (They may bring a light weight jacket, sweatshirt, sweater to keep in our classroom.) Students should wear tennis shoes on P.E. days. Shorts should come to the middle of the thigh, at fingertip length. Bike shorts are not permitted. Flip flops are not safe for P.E. or recess. Spaghetti straps and short tops for girls, not permitted. Electronic devices are not to be “on” during school time.
Extra accessories… Please help your child remember extra accessories….toys, bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. are best for afterschool, and weekends. *We will send home a note if we are going to have a special day for toys, etc.
Clinic All medicine must be sent to the clinic. We have Band-Aids in the classroom for student use. All other needs are taken care of in the clinic.
Lip balm, hand lotion… If your child has a need such as lip balm… please send a note along with the needed item.
Contact Information Phone: (832) Note in Homework or Tuesday folder We check and voic at the end of the day. *Not for emergencies or information about transportation. Please contact the front office.
Conferences ________ = parent conference day Conferences can be set up for other dates Please sign up for a conference tonight!
Volunteering We love volunteers! Ways you can help…. -read to our class -sorting all sorts of fun stuff (at home or at school) -cutting out miscellaneous wonderful things (at home or at school) *Please sign up if you would like to volunteer. Thank you
Thank you for coming !