Stocs – A Stochastic CSP Solver Bella Dubrov IBM Haifa Research Lab © Copyright IBM
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 2 Outline CSP solving algorithms Systematic Stochastic Limitations of systematic methods Stochastic approach Stocs algorithm Stocs challenges Summary
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 3 Constraint satisfaction problems Variables: Anna, Beth, Cory, Dave Domains: Red, Green, Orange, Yellow houses Constraints: The Red and Green houses are in the city The Orange and Yellow houses are in the countryside The Red and Green houses are neighboring, as well as the Orange and Yellow houses Anna and Dave have dogs, Beth owns a cat Dogs and cats cannot be neighbors Dogs must live in the countryside Solution: Anna lives in the Orange house, Beth lives in the Red house, Cory lives in the Green house, Dave lives in the Yellow house
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 4 CSP Solving algorithms Systematic: GEC Stochastic: Stocs
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 5 Systematic approach Systematically go over the search space Use pruning whenever possible pruning is done by projection
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 6 Example: projector for multiply a x b = c a є [2, 20], b є [3, 20], c є [1, 20] Projection to input 1 a’ = [2, 6] Projection to input 2 b’ = [3, 10] Projection to result c’ = {6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20}
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 7 Limitations of systematic methods: example 1 Propagation is hard (factoring)
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 8 Limitations of systematic methods: example 2 The Some-Different constraint: given a graph on the variables, the variables connected by an edge must have different values Propagation is NP-hard for domains of size k > 3 (k-colorability)
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 9 Limitations of systematic methods: example 3 Only solution: Local consistency at onset probability of success: 1/N
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 10 Stochastic approach State: an assignment of values to all the variables Cost: a function from the set of states to {0} U R + Cost = 0 iff all constraints are satisfied by the state
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 11 Stochastic approach General idea: Start from some state Find the next state and move there Stop if a state with cost 0 is found Stochastic algorithms are usually incomplete Different stochastic algorithms use different heuristics for finding the next state Examples: Simulated annealing Tabu search
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 12 Stocs algorithm overview Check states on length-scales “typical” for the problem. Hop to a new state if cost is lower Learn the topography of the problem: learn the typical step sizes and directions Get domain-knowledge as input strategies
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 13 Problem: 7 groups of players 6 members in each group Play 4 weeks Without any two players playing together (in the same group) twice Exponential decrease No sense in trying step sizes larger than 20. But may benefit strongly from step sizes of Reproducible - characterizes the problem Example: Social Golfer Problem
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 14 Problem: Minimize the autocorrelation on a sequence of N (45) bits Non-exponential decrease, followed by saturation Makes sense to always try large steps Identifies small characteristic features Extremely reproducible Example: LABS
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 15 Problem: Select different values for three variables out of a given set of values (smaller than domains) Easy problem: results are for many runs Prefer larger step sizes (up to a cutoff) Reproducible Example: Selection Problem
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 16 Problem: Same as before, modeled differently Prefer intermediate step sizes Reproducible Example: Selection Problem, different modeling
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 17 Stocs algorithm At each step: decide attempt type: random, learned or user-defined if random: choose a random step if learned: decide learn-type: step-size, direction, … if step-size: choose a step-size which was previously successful (weighted) create a random attempt with chosen step size if direction: choose a direction which was previously successful (weighted) create a random attempt with chosen direction if user-defined: get next user-defined attempt
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 18 Optimization problems Constraints must be satisfied In addition, an objective function that should be optimized is given Example: doll houses Constraints as before In addition each doll has a preferred set of houses The best solution satisfies as much of the preferences as possible
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 19 Optimization with Stocs Last year we added the optimization capability to Stocs Optimization is natural for Stocs: First find a solution Then keep searching for a better state Implementation: Cost function from a state to a pair of non-negative numbers (c1, c2): c1 is the cost of the constraints c2 is the value of the objective function lexicographic order on the pairs: a better state will always improve the constraints after a state with c1 = 0 is found, Stocs will continue searching for a better c2
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 20 Preprocessing and initialization Before starting the search 2 things happen: Preprocessing of the problem including: finding bits that should be constant in any solution removing unnecessary variables simplifying constraints has a big impact on the search: last year we improved the performance by a factor of 100 with preprocessing Initialization: finding the initial state Starting the search at a good state is critical Currently, each constraint tries to initialize its variables to a satisfying assignment, considering the “wishes” of other constraints
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 21 Summary Limitations of systematic methods Stochastic approach: move between full assignments Stocs: learn the topography of the problem, allow user-defined heuristics Optimization with Stocs Preprocessing and initialization Variable types
IBM Haifa Research Lab Copyright IBM 22 Thank you