Various Forms of Government
Anarchy When there is an absence of government it is ______________.
Think, Pair and Share What would happen in a state of Anarchy? Think and record responses Pair with your partner and share your best answers. When sharing use this model: “In a state of anarchy_______________” Share
Think, Pair and Share What functions then does our government serve? Think and record responses Pair with your partner and share your best answers. When sharing use this model: “One function of our government is _________.” Share
Our government’s function is to: Protect individual rights (life, liberty, property) Promote the common good Provide economic security Molding the characters of citizens Make and enforce laws and settle disputes (3 branches of government) Protect us by keeping peace both within our country and around the world
Absolute Power When one person holds all the power this would be________________.
Three Types of Government Dictatorship Direct Democracy Representative Democracy
Dictatorship When one person rules it is a _________. When the ruler has control it is a ______.
Think, Pair and Share What are some examples of this type of government and does it meet the functions of our government? Protect individual rights (life, liberty, property) Promote the common good Provide economic security Molding the characters of citizens Make and enforce laws and settle disputes (3 branches of government) Protect us by keeping peace both within our country and around the world Think and record responses Pair with your partner and share your best answers. When sharing use this model: “An example of dictatorship is_______and it does/does not serve the function of_______.”
Direct Democracy When ALL the citizens have equal power in decision making it is__________. Switzerland has a direct democracy
Representative Democracy When the people elect representatives who hold decision making power it is _________ ________. When people still hold on to their power over government, but they give it to others to act in their place it is _________.
Review of three types of government 1.Dictatorship 2.Direct Democracy 3.Representative Democracy *Hold up the number of fingers that you think is the answer to my questions
Two Major Types of Representative Power Presidential Parliamentary
Presidential System When citizens elect separate executive and legislative branches it is a _____. When the executive (president) is not a member of the legislature and may even be an opposing party it is a _____. When the executive remains in office for a fixed term it is a _________.
Parliamentary Systems When citizens elect only their local legislator or member of parliament and those members elect the leader of the majority party to be prime minister, who is responsible to carry out the wishes of the parliament it is a __________. When the Prime Minister is a member of the legislature and remains office as long as his party controls the majority of parliament it is __________.
Review of the two forms of representative democracy 1.Presidential 2.Parliamentary *Hold up the number of fingers that you think is the answer to my questions
Paragraph Shrinking Read the article “Presidential and Parliamentary Government” and do the following: 1.Name the who or what. (The main person, animal, or thing.) 2.Tell the most important thing about the who or what. 3.Say the main idea in 10 words or less.
United States System of Government