Parthenon The Parthenon is a temple of Athena, built in the 5th century BC on the acropolis of Athens. The Parthenon is a temple of Athena, built in the 5th century BC on the acropolis of Athens. The Parthenon is an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece and of Athenian democracy. It is regarded as one of the world's greatest cultural monuments. The Parthenon is an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece and of Athenian democracy. It is regarded as one of the world's greatest cultural monuments.
Athens was the first Democracy! Democracy: type of government where people vote. Democracy: type of government where people vote. Well, actually, Athens was a direct democracy where people vote on everything. Well, actually, Athens was a direct democracy where people vote on everything. The U.S. today is a representative democracy, where we vote for people to make decisions for us. The U.S. today is a representative democracy, where we vote for people to make decisions for us.
Democracy in Athens Athens was a democracy because all citizens could vote, but only half the people in Athens were citizens. Athens was a democracy because all citizens could vote, but only half the people in Athens were citizens. Women, people born outside of Athens, and slaves could not vote. Women, people born outside of Athens, and slaves could not vote.
If you think the U.S. is so much better... Some southern states did not let African Americans vote until the 1960s (Voting Rights Act 1965) Some southern states did not let African Americans vote until the 1960s (Voting Rights Act 1965) Women could not vote in the U.S. until 1920 (19 th Amendment) Women could not vote in the U.S. until 1920 (19 th Amendment) Eighteen year olds could not vote until the late 1970s. Eighteen year olds could not vote until the late 1970s.
Political terms All of Greece wasn’t a democracy. All of Greece wasn’t a democracy. Most of Greece was a monarchy a type of government ruled by a king or queen. Most of Greece was a monarchy a type of government ruled by a king or queen. At right is Pericles, a good king of Athens. At right is Pericles, a good king of Athens.
Education in Athens Education was very important in Athens. Education was very important in Athens. Boys went to school to learn to read and write. They also learned many sports. Boys went to school to learn to read and write. They also learned many sports. Girls were not allowed to go to school or learn to play sports. Girls were not allowed to go to school or learn to play sports.
Activity Lets put it to a vote. Lets put it to a vote. The issue: The issue: Should cell phones be aloud in the classroom? Should cell phones be aloud in the classroom?