AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School Unit 1 - Foundations of Government TARGETS 1.3 WHO HAS THE POWER? – 1.4 NATURE OF DEMOCRACY
1.3 What is the Essence of Power? AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School Power…………….Authority…………….Legitimacy
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.3 Who Has the Power? Two basic forms of RULE Two basic forms of RULE Authoritarianism Dictatorship Oligarchy Monarchy Totalitarianism How do these government get and maintain their power? 2006 / 2010 Midterm Elections Democracy Direct democracy Representative democracy Dennis
1.3 Who Has the Power? Who really has the power? Political Elites AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School Oprah = political elite? In Depth Reading – Meet the New Political Elite (Washington Post) et-the-new-political-elite-computer- programmers/2010/12/20/gIQAfcg9nP_blog.html This article looks a new emerging group of political elites – activist computer hackers or “hacktivists”.
1.3 Political Power AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School Wealth & Political Power - Gap Between Rich & Poor
1.4 The Nature of Democracy
AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School 1.4 The Birth of Democracy Athenian Democracy………………………………………...Direct Democracy
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Direct v. Representative Democracy Direct democracy Citizens = decisions Representative democracy Elected officials
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Direct Democracy Direct democracy Referendums Initiative Recall elections Currently these exist only on the state level of government
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 How Much Democracy? Can we move the U.S. towards a more direct democracy? Would it be wise to do this? Cyber Democracy >> National Referendum ? Underlying Assumptions: Distrust established leaders People can govern themselves & make informed decisions Reading: When Too Much Democracy Threatens Freedom (The Economist) namerica/2009/12/when_too_much_democra cy_threat
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Issues with democracy Are citizens capable of making important decisions? Jay Walk | End Women’s Suffrage | Miss S.C. Jay WalkEnd Women’s SuffrageMiss S.C. Tyranny of the Majority Should the court’s safeguard the minority? Prop 187Prop 187
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Why a Representative Democracy? Framers Rationale for a “Republic” Elected officials would be more informed on the issues Control tyranny of the majority THE GALACTIC REPUBLIC
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Requirements for Democracy What are the essential requirements for a democracy (any democracy) to thrive? There must be fair & meaningful competition between candidates The right to vote means nothing, unless there is a legitimate choice among candidates Citizens MUST be, at least at a certain level, educated and “enlightened” on the issues… *** Thus, there must be accurate and unbiased information available to all citizens *** The basic rights of all people, esp. the minority, must be protected. You cannot take away the rights of one segment of the population by the “voice of the people”
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Theories of Democracy What assumptions about democracy and about human nature are contained in the following statements ? “I know no safer depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.” “If the people wish to be ignorant and free, they wish what never was, nor will ever be!” »Thomas Jefferson
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Theories of Democracy "I have a complete confidence in the aggregate wisdom of the...people, if they are given and made to understand the facts. The wisdom of the masses is always greater than the wisdom of the individual or of the group. The few may be more subtle, more agile-minded, more resourceful; they may for a time push to the front and scamper ahead in the march; they may on occasion and for a time entice us down the wrong highway at the crossroads. But the great slow-moving, deliberate-thinking mass plods along over the years down the Divinely appointed way. Led astray, they slowly, cumbersomely swing back to the right road, no matter what the toil or the sacrifice may be, and when they start the return, they crush whatever lies in their path. so has humanity come up through the ages.“ »J. Reuben Clark, legal scholar
AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School 1.4 Theories of Democracy "While the people are pure, while they are upright, while they are willing to observe law, the best results must follow the establishment and maintenance of a government like this; but, on the other hand, if the people become corrupt, if they give way to passion, if they disregard law, if they trample upon constitutional obligations, then a republican form of government like ours become the worst tyranny upon the face of the earth. An autocracy is a government of one man, and if he be a tyrant, it is the tyranny of one man; but the tyranny and irresponsibility of a mob is one of the most grievous despotisms which can exist upon the face of the earth.“ »George Q. Cannon, religious leader
Team - Discussion AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School
Teams Is the gap between the rich and poor a problem? (i.e. does the gap threaten our democracy, our values, our economy?) Should we try and close the gap between the rich & poor? If yes, how would you do it? (taxation? Welfare? Etc.) If not, why? AP Government & Politics Timpanogos High School
Teams Should the Courts overturn decisions by the majority? (i.e. gay marriage) AP Government & Politics: Timpanogos High School
Impromptu Debate What if a substantial majority of citizens pass a law through a ballot initiative that adversely affects another group of citizens? Should the federal courts be able to intervene and overturn that law? Yes? ……………………………………… No?
Impromptu Debate Proposition: The United States should adopt a direct democracy on a national scale For practical purposes, it would be necessary to limit voting to the big issues only: Abortion, Gay Marriage, Gun Control, etc. For or Against the Proposition?
Impromptu Debate Proposition : The federal minimum wage should be increased to $11/hr. Proposition : In order to vote, each citizen must take an pass a test Based on the U.S. Citizenship test