Surgical Treatment of Aneurysms of the Anterior Wall of the Internal Carotid Artery 崔源生 台中榮民總醫院神經外科
Anatomy: ICA:5 segments: Cervical Petrous Cavernous Clinoidal Supraclinoid
Pathology: No internal elastic lamina and media The gap was covered with thin adventitia and fibrinous tissue, not composed of thick adventitia or collagenous tissue as ordinarily seen in an berry aneurysm wall
Pathogenesis: Atherosclerosis: Dissecting: (Stehbens,et al:The pathology of intracranial arterial aneurysms and their complications, Intracranial Aneursyms, 1983, Vol 1) Dissecting:
Anterior Wall Aneurysm Dorsal type, Blister-like aneurysm Low incidence Small size Thin wall No neck High intraoperative bleeding rate High morbidity & mortality
Diagnosis: It’s difficult to detect anterior wall aneurysm on angiograms, in large part because of their small size and unusual location.(Shigeta et al, 6 (30%) negative in 20 pts) It’s of great importance to evaluate collateral circulation because ICA sacrifice at surgery is relative common with these aneurysms.
Case 1: angiogram (AP+Lat)
Case 1: angiogram (oblique)
Case 2: angiogram
Case 2:
Case 2: CTA
OP Findings:Video
Textbook-Management of Cerebral Aneurysms (2004)
Poor outcome of Anterior Wall ICA Aneurysms:
Aneurysm protruding from the dorsal wall of internal carotid artery Fukuo Nakagawa, et al. J of Neurosurgery 65:303-308, 1986 5 year period, 8 cases/460 ANs
Blood blisterlike aneurysms of the internal carotid artery Masamitsu Abe, et al. J of Neurosurgery 89:419-424,1998 1981-1997, 6 cases/488 ANs
Abe series: Clipping on wrapping
Aneurysms at nonbranching sites in the supraclinoid portion of the internal carotid artery:Internal carotid artery trunk aneurysms Akira Ogawa, et al. Neurosurgery 47:578-586, 2000 5 year period, 48 cases/7408 ANs
Ogawa series-outcome:
New method for obliterative treatment of an anterior wall aneurysm in the internal carotid artery: Encircling silicone sheet clip procedure-Technical case report Yasutaka Kurokawa, et al. Neurosurgery 49:469-472, 2001
Techinical note:
Surgical management: Possible trapping of parent artery Exposure of cervical ICA for proximal control Wide open of Sylvian fissure Little frontal lobe traction Clip placement parallel to the ICA axis Necessary to catch the adjacent carotid artery wall with the neck Temporary clipping to reduce aneurysm turgor Clipping on wrapping Endovascular may be an alternative option
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