John Locke By: Danny Bernt, Luke Boorady and Spenser Clouse
Biography Born August 29 th 1632 in Wrington, Somerset, England Raised in a privileged, Puritan family as a result of his father’s job as a lawyer and Captain in the military Attended Westminster School in 1647, and eventually Christ Church at Oxford
Biography Studied many subjects including logic, classical languages, and medicine Graduated in 1674 with a bachelor’s of medicine Took part in medical research and later became a philosopher An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Two Treatises on Civil Government
Philosophical Ideas Believed that people could govern themselves if a social contract was in place – Give up some rights for safety Thought humankind is basically good and caring People should be able to rebel against unfair governments and govern themselves
Beliefs in Government Representative democracy with limited power Governments should respect the rights of the individual – Social contract – Natural rights – life, liberty, property Men should be free, equal, and independent Basis for political liberalism
Affects Supported rebellion from an unfair government (English monarchy) Colonists realized that English monarchy did not respect their natural rights explained by Locke They realized that they deserved better than the English monarchy
Affects Led to the desire for democratic self government with a social contract and natural rights Many of Locke’s ideas are present in the U.S. Constitution – Representative democracy – Natural rights of individuals