Types of Government Contemporary World
Government Systems ● There are a variety of government systems around the globe ● We have been focusing on representative democracy (Republic) in this class thus far ● Different political beliefs across the political spectrum lead to different government systems around the world
Communism ● Classless and stateless society (all people equal, no state government- just national government) ● Government run business ● Common ownership (no private property- all government owned and operated) ● No religion or just 1 state sponsored religion ● Only 1 political party ● Examples: China, former Soviet Russia, Cuba, North Korea
Democracy ● All people have an equal say/vote in decisions regarding government ● Government led by the people ● Pure democracy not very practical on the large scale because we can not vote on every single decision (see Republic) ● Example: USA, Canada, Britain, France (although none are pure democracies)
Republic/Representational Democracy ● Elected officials (voted into office by the people) make decisions and lead the government ● Takes principles of democracy and makes it practical on the large scale ● The people vote for people to represent their opinions and make decisions on their behalf ● For example, in the US we vote for senators and representatives to represent us and make the laws in congress ● Examples: USA, Germany, Spain, Australia
Dictatorship ● Government ruled by an individual- a dictator ● That ruler is given absolute power to make decisions for the government ● Usually this person has gained power through a military coup/revolution ● There can be dictators in communist societies- North Korea for example ● Examples: Libya (prior to Gadhafi's fall), N. Korea, Cuba
Monarchy ● the office of head of state is usually held until death or abdication ● often hereditary ● King or Queen is the leader ● In modern day we have monarchies that are just figure heads and do not control the government- ie- Britain ● Examples: United Arab Emirates, various African tribal leaders, etc.
Oligarchy ● power rests with an elite class ● “Greek meaning = rule of the few” ● Small group of people (the upper class) makes the decisions while lower class individuals not involved in government decision making ● Example: former apartheid South Africa
Fascism ● Government system that forbids and suppresses opposition ● Single political party, often a dictator ● Emphasis on nationalism (often racist) ● Government run industry and commerce ● Examples: Hilter’s Germany & Mussolini’s Italy during WWII, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
Communism vs. Fascism Similarities Differences ● Opposition to conservatism, liberalism, and social democracy ● Use of a political party to spark a revolution ● Opposition to social division by class and class conflict ● Opposition to the bourgeoisie (upper class) ● Revolution ● Nationalism & militarism key to fascism ● Eugenics role in fascism ● Economic self-sufficiency important to fascism ● Fascism has private control of social resources (ex- factories)
Anarchism ● Opposes authority and any form of government ● Government is thought to be immoral ● We don’t see this on the large scale, but do see this belief system in small scale communities and group
Types of Government in Relationship to the Spectrum Communism Fascism Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Reactionary Democracy/republic can fall in the middle between liberal and conservative, depending on the views of the people. Dictatorships, monarchies and oligarchies are led by one or the few, and their placement is dependent on the individual views of the leader(s).