Government Theory Review Which theory has led to the development of most dictatorships? From where does power originate in the Divine Right Theory? Can there be Freedom of Religion under the Divine Right Theory? What is the source of all government power/authority in the Social Contract Theory? Which theory argues that the structure of government originated in the family unit? Which of these theories lead to the most efficient government? Which is the most inefficient?
What will I learn today? I can define/explain different types of government. I can determine advantages and disadvantages of various types of government. I can identify the system of government practiced in the United States and explain why we use this system.
Classifying governments by WHO can participate. Democracy In a democracy, supreme political authority rests with the people. A direct democracy exists where the will of the people is translated into law directly by the people themselves. In a representative democracy, a small group of persons, chosen by the people to act as their representatives, expresses the popular will. Dictatorship A dictatorship exists where those who rule cannot be held responsible to the will of the people. Those in power have absolute authority. Usually gain and hold power by military force. Why doesn’t the U.S. practice direct democracy?
Classifying government by WHERE power is located A unitary government has all powers held by a single, central agency. A confederate government is an alliance of independent states. All control is local. A federal government is one in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments. It is a combination of unitary and confederate.
Classifying government by the RELATIONSHIP between branches Interpret the definition from the diagram below.
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