Education Bradford – Primary Maths Team Aims Strategies that are successful What works for us! Impact on schools
Impact – need picture of cars srashing maybe or tom a jerry picture
Key Stage 2 Maths
Where are we compared to other authorities? Year % at L Rank
How successful is your school in these areas? Teaching children to learn by heart multiplication tables and other basic facts Teaching children strategies for mental calculations that use and apply these facts Ensuring children have a sound understanding of the number system Teaching children a secure method of calculation for all four operations and how to apply these in a problem solving context
Using and Applying Solving Problems Representing analyse record do check confirm Enquiring plan decide organise Interpret reason justify Reasoning create deduce apply explore predict hypothesise test Communicating explain methods and solutions choices decisions reasoning
How successful is your school in these areas? Teaching children a secure method of calculation for all four operations and how to apply these in a problem solving context Developing children’s speaking and listening skills and understanding of the language of mathematics Using APP to focus teaching further for all ability groups Ensuring planning is adapted to focus on the above Are maths lessons fun and engaging for all pupils?
Year 5 Objectives: Recall quickly multiplication facts up to 10 x10 and use them to multiply pairs of multiples of 10 and 100; derive quickly corresponding division facts (Knowing and using number facts) Plan and pursue an enquiry; present evidence by collecting, organising and interpreting information; suggest extensions to the enquiry (Using and Applying)
Think of numbers that add to 10. Now put those numbers into a multiplication algorithm. What is the biggest number you can generate?
Relate “10” to APP
Who decides where I work? SMT, SIP, LAPs Primary Strategy Manager Primary Maths consultants
What does the primary maths team offer? Mentoring Coaching regular CPD for subject leaders CPD that reflects the needs of the local and national picture
Summary Short term focus on calculation Empowering teachers to plan their own curriculum based on the needs of their pupils Developing the mathematician through using and applying Quality resources