“Where Learning is an ART!”
PURPOSE improve the quality of teaching and learning students achieve or exceed proficiency The PURPOSE of the Saxon Heights Elementary Talented, Arts, & Gifted (SHE TAG) School Improvement Plan (SIP) is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the school so that greater numbers of students achieve or exceed proficiency in the core academic subjects.
SHE TAG SIP provides a framework for: The SHE TAG SIP provides a framework for: Analyzing Problems 1). Analyzing Problems Identifying Underlying Causes 2). Identifying Underlying Causes Addressing Instructional Concerns 3). Addressing Instructional Concerns Developing a PLAN OF ACTION for School-Wide Improvement 4). Developing a PLAN OF ACTION for School-Wide Improvement
Increase student achievement 1. Increase student achievement in the areas of Math, Reading, Language Arts, Science, & Social Studies based on standardized test data for grades K-5 Improve instruction research- based strategies 2. Improve instruction through implementation of research- based strategies
. increasestakeholder involvement 3. Encourage and increase stakeholder involvement Increase technology integration 4. Increase technology integration in the curriculum through classroom instruction Utilize ArtsNow Model visual and performing arts effectively 5. Utilize ArtsNow Model of integrating visual and performing arts into the curriculum effectively
A nonprofit organization working hard to improve the way we educate our youth. Building the confidence and skills of all educators through professional development and resources to encourage integration of creativity and the arts into the daily curriculum across all grades and disciplines. Students excel academically, socially, and artistically.
For questions, concerns, and/or suggestions, please contact: SHE MAIN OFFICE: (478) John C. Strickland, Principal LaKeisha M. Wright, School Improvement Specialist Debbie Frost Academic Coach LaKeisha M. Wright, School Improvement Specialist l Debbie Frost, Academic Coach l