Created by Tammillye Ward Thinkgate Using Thinkgate to Answer the 4 Critical Questions of a PLC What do we want the students to learn? How will we know they learned it? How will we respond when they do not know it? How will we respond when they already know it?
“GATE” Stereotype Inserted by Hope McGuire
“GATE” Stereotype Created by Tammillye Ward
“GATE” Stereotype Inserted by Hope McGuire
Created by Tammillye Ward What do we want our students to learn? How will we know they learned it? Creating Original Assessments Select the Curriculum from the second drop down list. Select the Assessment button. Select the Add Classroom Assessment menu option icon. (plus sign)
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessments Grade, Subject and Course default according to the class and curriculum selected on the previous screen. Edit the following criteria: Test Type, Term, Year and Description. Select Item Bank in the Content Type field. Select the Save menu option.
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessments Select the Standards button. Select the Find Standards button. The Grade, Subject and Standards drop downs default to the class selected when the user is logged in as a Teacher. Select the Click to add standard check box next to the desired standards for the assessment. Once the standards have been selected edit the Item Count text field to reflect the desired number of items per standard. Select Save
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessment The selected standards and item count for each standard will be displayed. Select Content button
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessments Select the Click to Edit Item Stem Text link to open the Item Editor window.
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessments The Item Type (Question Type) defaults to Multiple Choice but any item (question) type may be selected. The Item (Question) section is active, indicated by yellow highlighting; Edit icon is pre-selected. Enter the original item as it should appear on the assessment. Use the E icon for special math symbols or other special characters.
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessments Select the “A” distracter Edit icon, which becomes highlighted yellow. Begin adding answer choices. Repeat for distracters “B”, “C”, “D” Select the box next to the correct answer and a green check will populate the box. Select finished Select Save Repeat these steps for each item in each standard. Select Preview, to view all of the items that were entered.
Created by Tammillye Ward Creating Assessment An assessment must be proofed before it can be administered to students. Proofing an assessment confirms it has been reviewed and locks the content. Select Profile Select Proof-Ready for Print
Created by Tammillye Ward Targeting Teachers (Sharing the assessment) Select the Targets button in the Left Navigation Pane. If any exist, currently targeted teachers and/or schools display in the search results pane. Select the Teacher radio button under Target List. Select the Find Targets button.
Created by Tammillye Ward Targeting Teachers (Sharing the assessment) The screen should populate with all the teachers on your grade level Select the teachers that will administer the assessment. Select Attach Targets Now the assessment is ready of those teachers that were selected.
Created by Tammillye Ward How will we respond when they do not know? How will we respond when they already know it? Obtaining Data Reports Select Data Utilization Select Teacher Portal
Created by Tammillye Ward Obtaining Data Reports In the Assessment Category select Classroom Select that correct information in the Portal Criteria Section: Term, Assessment Type Select Find Results
Created by Tammillye Ward Obtaining Data Reports The Score Cell will populate The cell will contain the class and school average Select the paper icon next to the teacher name and a pop up box with search options will appear The same will happen if you click on the percentage next to the teacher’s name
Created by Tammillye Ward Obtaining Data Reports Report types At – Risk Progress Report Proficiency Report Item Analysis Standard Analysis Mastery Distracter Analysis
Standard Analysis Report How to get it: Data utilization Administrator Portal Customize Criteria Find Results Click on percentage Select Standard Analysis What it shows you: Individual classroom scores Grade level scores Sub groups on the grade level Compare your school with district Can compare results by terms Created by Tammillye Ward
At Risk Report Click on: Administrator portal Click on: Percentage Click on: At Risk Choose: Standards by student Standard by Test, Student (comprehensive look at student’s performance) Standard by domain (anyone below the cut off point Students By Standard (every child’s score on the specific standard) Subgroups by standard (very specific info by various subgroups Created by Tammillye Ward
Item Analysis It shows: Percent based on your school, teacher, or district When you click on a hyperlinked number, the exact question will appear Created by Tammillye Ward How to get it: Data utilization Administrator Portal Customize Criteria Find Results Click on percentage Select Item Analysis
Distractor Analysis How to get it: Data utilization Administrator Portal Customize Criteria Find Results Click on percentage Breaks down each individual student and their answers for every question and highlights what they got correct or incorrect. Press on hyperlink numbers again to see the exact question. Created by Tammillye Ward
Proficiency Report How to get it: Data utilization Administrator Portal Customize Criteria Find Results Click on percentage This provides a color coded system similar to Dibels. It shows proficient, exceeds, meets, does not meed. The percentage box lists the students who fall in that group. It shows the percentage that the student earned to be in the category- this helps identify students that are “on the bubble”. It will identify those needing enrichment as well as remediation. Can be exported to an EXCEL worksheet if you need to make any data presentations. Created by Tammillye Ward
Progress Report How to get it: Data utilization Administrator Portal Customize Criteria Find Results Click on percentage Select: Progress Report This will assist you to see if you are meeting your SIP goal in math over time. Created by Tammillye Ward
Situation “Possible” You will work in groups of 4 to 5 people. Your group is determined by the color under your keyboard. Read the situation provided. Discuss how you can address the situation based on your role as a facilitator and the data utilization function of Thinkgate. Appoint a recorder and 2 presenters to share your thoughts. Created by Tammillye Ward