CODEX ALIMENTARIUS Republic of Slovenia Codex Contact Point : dr. Blaža Nahtigal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Ministries involved Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF) with competent authorities and inspection bodies: - Veterinary Administration = VARS - Phytosanitary Administration = PARS Ministry of Health (MH) with competent authorities and inspection bodies: - Health Inspectorate =HIRS - Institute of Public Health = IPH Ministry of Environment and Spacial Planning (MESP)
Coordination of work between Ministries 1st Step: contact points for first coordination MAFF Blaža Nahtigal ( /phone / fax) VARS Jana Brankovič ( / phone / fax) Marko Mahne ( / phone / fax) PARS Jernej Drofenik ( / phone /fax) MH Petra Brinovec ( / phone / fax) CCP receives all Codex Working documents and forwards them to CP on VARS, PARS & MH! They circulate working documents to relevant persons (contact persons and expert groups)! documents from Perm.Rep in Brussels and from Codex Secretariat in Rome
CA committees and responsible Ministries MAFF: - CA Commission, - General Principles - Food labelling - Pesticide residues (PARS) - Residues on Vet. Drugs in Foods (VARS) - Food Import & Export Certification and Inspection System (VARS) - Processed Fruits and Vegetables - Fats and Oils - Fish and Fishery Products - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Milk and Milk Products - Natural Mineral Waters - Coordin. Committee for Europe - TF of Quick Frozen Foods - TF on Antimicrobial resistance (VARS) - MH: - Food Additives - Food Contaminants - Food Hygiene - Methods of Analyses & Sampling - Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses - Task Force on Biotechnology A responsible Ministry should: -solicit input from stakeholders; - draft a position; -obtain national endorsement of the position.
Table of responsible persons for Codex Alimentarius WP (an example) Codex Alimentarius WP Contact personExpert groupContact in Perm. Rep Natural Mineral WatersLucijan Cencič (MAFF) T: Blaža Nahtigal (MAFF) T: Vlasta Grašek (MAFF) T: Barbara Rogel (MAFF) T: Renata Bregar (MH) T: Gregor Pečlin Simona Vrevc Responsible for drafting the position! He should ensure that an expert group and appropriate stakeholders are consulted in the development of national position! He circulates WD for rewiew and comment; They assist, prepare comment s …
Stakeholders in Slovenia Economic Interest Associations Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Slovenian Chamber of Commerce Slovene Consumers Association University of Ljubljana University of Maribor National experts from different fields Research institutions A contact person should establish communication with stakeholders, interested in issues under consideration of Codex!
Final coordination Coordinating consultation (when the national position as written comments is prepared) is done by the Codex Contact point and Permanent Representatives in Brussels! The final document is sent to Perm.Rep in Brussels and they forward it to the EU Council – Secretariat DGB2 Codex. The EC and the MS attemp to present joint comments on issues discussed in Codex Committees!