Rob Horner University of
What: Define the core features of SWPBS Why: Define if SWPBS is appropriate for your school How: Define the process for implementing SWPBS
Supporting social behavior is central to achieving academic gains. School-wide PBS is an evidence-based practice for building a positive social culture that will promote both social and academic success. Implementation of any evidence-based practice requires a more coordinated focus than typically expected.
Never stop doing what already works Always look for the smallest change that will produce the largest effect Avoid defining a large number of goals Do a small number of things well Do not add something new without also defining what you will stop doing to make the addition possible.
Collect and use data for decision-making Adapt any initiative to make it “fit” your school community, culture, context. Families Students Faculty Fiscal-political structure Establish policy clarity before investing in implementation LAUSD Discipline Foundation Policy.pptx
Logic Core Features
Logic for School-wide PBS Schools face a set of difficult challenges today Multiple expectations (Academic accomplishment, Social competence, Safety) Students arrive at school with widely differing understandings of what is socially acceptable. Traditional “get tough” and “zero tolerance” approaches are insufficient. Individual student interventions Effective, but can’t meet need School-wide discipline systems Establish a social culture within which both social and academic success is more likely
Context Problem behavior continues to be the primary reason why individuals in our society are excluded from school, home, recreation, community, and work.
Problem Behaviors Insubordination, noncompliance, defiance, late to class, nonattendance, truancy, fighting, aggression, inappropriate language, social withdrawal, excessive crying, stealing, vandalism, property destruction, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, unresponsive, not following directions, inappropriate use of school materials, weapons, harassment 1, harassment 2, harassment 3, unprepared to learn, parking lot violation, irresponsible, trespassing, disrespectful, disrupting teaching, uncooperative, violent behavior, disruptive, verbal abuse, physical abuse, dress code, other, etc., etc., etc. Vary in intensity Exist in every school, home and community context Place individuals at risk physically, emotionally, academically and socially
Context Our success lies in our unwavering commitment to the best interest of individuals and their families. What we do in the name of PBS is not about a model, a brand or a manual. It is about the thoughtful construction of effective places to live, learn, work and play.
© Dean Fixsen, Karen Blase, Robert Horner, George Sugai, 2008 Sobering Observation "All organizations [and systems] are designed, intentionally or unwittingly, to achieve precisely the results they get." R. Spencer Darling Business Expert Rise in Incidence of Autism Reduction in Incidence of Mental Retardation and Learning Disabilities The Oregon Department of Education has released graduation rates for all public high schools. Nearly one-third of all high school students don't receive a diploma after four years of study. by Betsy Hammond, The Oregonian Monday June 29, 2009,
Systems Change Effective practices produce effective outcomes only within effective systems We have invested in defining effective practices but not in defining the systems needed for these practices to produce effective outcomes.
Context Science guided by our values and vision Programs and practices guided by our science Early Intervention Literacy Math Wraparound Positive Behavior Support Family Support Response to Intervention
© Dean Fixsen, Karen Blase, Robert Horner, George Sugai, 2008 Alignment for Systems change Literacy Wraparound Math Family Support Behavior Support ALIGNMENT Early Intervention Response to Intervention/Prevention Student Outcomes Primary Prevention Universal Screening Multi-tiered Support Early Intervention Progress Monitoring Systems to support practices
School-wide PBS Build a continuum of supports that begins with the whole school and extends to intensive, wraparound support for individual students and their families.
What is School-wide Positive Behavior Support? School-wide PBS is: ▫A systems approach for establishing the social culture and behavioral supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students. Evidence-based features of SW-PBS ▫Prevention ▫Define and teach positive social expectations ▫Acknowledge positive behavior ▫Arrange consistent consequences for problem behavior ▫On-going collection and use of data for decision-making ▫Continuum of intensive, individual intervention supports. ▫Implementation of the systems that support effective practices
Establishing a Social Culture Common Vision/Values Common Language Common Experience MEMBERSHIP
SourceDisciplineDefinition DictionaryPattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior; customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group 1 Researcher/ Social Scientist PhilosopherOrganized practices, artifacts, and narratives; membership within a group in relation to race, ethnicity, primordialism (Cahoone, 1988) Sociologist"Culture...consists in those patterns relative to behavior and the products of human action which may be inherited, that is, passed on from generation to generation independently of the biological genes" (pg. 8) (Parsons, 1949) Psychologist"A culture is a configuration of learned behaviors and results of behavior whose component elements are shared and transmitted by the members of a particular society" (pg. 32) (Linton, 1945) Anthropologist"The manifestations of social habits of a community, the reactions of the individual as affected by the habits of the group in which he lives, and the product of human activities as determined by these habits."(pg. 60) (Boas, 1966) Educator Sum total ways of living developed by a group of human beings to satisfy biological and psychological needs [and] includes patterns of thought, behavior, language, customs, institutions, and material objects 2 (Monroe, 2005b) “[Culture] is the values, symbols, interpretations, and perspectives that distinguish one people from another in modernized societies… People within a culture usually interpret the meaning of symbols, artifacts, and behaviors in the same or in similar ways." (Banks, 1989)
School-wide PBS Establishing additional supports for students with more intense needs
Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT 27
Remember that the multiple tiers of support refer to our SUPPORT not Students. Avoid creating a new disability labeling system. Reading Behavior Math Health
~80% of Students ~15% ~5% ESTABLISHING CONTINUUM of SWPBS SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction Peer-based supports Social skills club TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Wraparound Person-centered planning PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach SW expectations Proactive SW discipline Positive reinforcement Effective instruction Parent engagement SECONDARY PREVENTION TERTIARY PREVENTION PRIMARY PREVENTION
SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence, Academic Achievement and Safety Supporting Decision Making School-wide PBS
Braiding proven practices with practical systems: Policies, Team meetings, Data Systems
Classroom SWPBS Practices Non-classroom Family Student School-wide Smallest effort Evidence-based Biggest, durable effect
Predictable Consistent Positive Safe
Define School-wide Expectations for Social Behavior Identify 3-5 Expectations Short statements Positive Statements (what to do, not what to avoid doing) Memorable Examples: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Kind, Be a Friend, Be-there-be-ready, Hands and feet to self, Respect self, others, property, Do your best, Follow directions of adults
Activity: Teaching Matrix Define your school-wide expectations 3-5, Positively stated Core social values Terms that will be comfortable for students, families, staff How will you make the expectations memorable?
Teach Behavioral Expectations Transform broad school-wide Expectations into specific, observable behaviors. Use the Expectations by Settings Matrix Teach in the actual settings where behaviors are to occur Teach (a) the words, and (b) the actions. Build a social culture that is predictable, and focused on student success.
Curriculum Matrix Location 1Location 2Location 3Location 4Location 5Location 6 Expectation 1 Expectation 2 Expectation 3 Expectation 4 Expectation 5
Why Embed Expectations into Curriculum? Behavior curriculum does not have to be separate Helps to eliminate time crunches Provides a rationale for student- helps students to see how the expectations fit into everyday life Meets best practices approach -Hands on activities -Meets all learning styles (oral, visual, kinesthetic) -Higher order learning activates (synthesize, analyze, etc.)
Embedding Expectations into Current Daily Curriculum Social Studies Have students research different cultures to find out how they define “Respectful” Talk about how different historical events occurred because of conflict and come up with solutions on how the conflict could have been resolved
Embedding Expectations into Current Daily Curriculum Language Arts and Reading Use a novel that has an expectation as a theme Discuss characters in a novel and how they did not show respect, then have the students write the story with the character showing respect Have the students develop their own expectations and/or rules and then have them write a persuasive essay or debate why theirs should be used instead of the school’s
Embedding Expectations into Current Daily Curriculum Fine Arts (Music, Art, Computers, Graphics) When choosing a school play, choose one with a theme centered around one of the school expectations or write your own play Have the students compose a song/rap with the expectation Have students come up with a campaign for promoting expectations to the entire student body
Embedding Expectations into Current Daily Curriculum Science and/or Math Have students develop a hypothesis about what they think are the top behavior problems at school. Have them survey students, parents, & teachers; make graphs; and reach a conclusion about the hypothesis Have the students count the number of tickets redeemed monthly for prizes & graph them. You can include ratio of number of tickets to student, # of tickets per teacher, etc.
Current Practice How does your school teach expectations? How do you use “best practices” to teach social skills? Teach directly in settings ? (i.e. bus expectations taught on bus) Faculty and Staff Model appropriate behavior? How would you start to embed into subject area curriculum? How will lessons be taught throughout the school year? Review Examples, Complete TIC 9-13 Define Action Steps
Activity List your expectations and your locations on the Teaching matrix Select one location in the school Define how you would teach the expectations in that location. Present “words”…expectations Present rationale, and definitional rule Present positive examples Present negative (non) examples Provide an activity in which all students practice
On-going Reward of Appropriate Behavior Every faculty and staff member acknowledges appropriate behavior. 5 to 1 ratio of positive to negative contacts System that makes acknowledgement easy and simple for students and staff. Different strategies for acknowledging appropriate behavior (small frequent rewards more effective) Beginning of class recognition Raffles Open gym Social acknowledgement
Cougar Traits in the Community Student Name __________________________________ Displayed the Cougar Trait of: Respect Responsibility Caring Citizenship (Circle the trait you observed) Signature _____________________________________________ If you would like to write on the back the details of what you observed feel free! Thank you for supporting our youth. Cougar Traits in the Community Student Name __________________________________ Displayed the Cougar Trait of: Respect Responsibility Caring Citizenship (Circle the trait you observed) Signature _____________________________________________ If you would like to write on the back the details of what you observed feel free! Thank you for supporting our youth.
To build staff moral we began recognizing the positive things we were seeing among the adults in our building.
Are Rewards Dangerous? “… our research team has conducted a series of reviews and analysis of (the reward) literature; our conclusion is that there is no inherent negative property of reward. Our analyses indicate that the argument against the use of rewards is an overgeneralization based on a narrow set of circumstances.” ◦ Judy Cameron, 2002 ◦ Cameron, 2002 ◦ Cameron & Pierce, 1994, 2002 ◦ Cameron, Banko & Pierce, 2001 “The undermining effect of extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation remains unproven” Steven Reiss, 2005 Akin-Little, K. A., Eckert, T. L., Lovett, B. J., & Little, S. G. (2004). Extrinsic reinforcement in the classroom: Bribery or best practices. School Psychology Review, 33, Use of rewards in Education
“ What the Worlds Greatest Managers Do Differently ” -- Buckingham & Coffman 2002, Gallup Interviews with 1 million workers, 80,000 managers, in 400 companies. Create working environments where employees: 1. Know what is expected 2. Have the materials and equipment to do the job correctly 3. Receive recognition each week for good work. 4. Have a supervisor who cares, and pays attention 5. Receive encouragement to contribute and improve 6. Can identify a person at work who is a “best friend.” 7. Feel the mission of the organization makes them feel like their jobs are important 8. See the people around them committed to doing a good job 9. Feel like they are learning new things (getting better) 10. Have the opportunity to do their job well.
Teachers report that when students are greeted by an adult in morning, it takes less time to complete morning routines & get first lesson started.
Allday & Pakurar (2007)
Low High Predictable Consistent Positive Safe
SWPBS possible? SWPBS is needed in our school? SWPBS benefits our students, staff, families? Reduction in problem behavior Increased attendance and academic engagement Improve academic performance Reduction in referrals to special education Improve family involvement in school Improved perception of school as a “safe environment” Improved perception of teacher efficacy
States Number of Schools California Illinois
California Hawaii Scott Spaulding, Claudia Vincent briefs
School-wide PBS is “evidence-based” Reduction in problem behavior Increases in academic outcomes Horner et al., 2009 Bradshaw et al., 2006; in press Behavioral and Academic gains are linked Amanda Sanford, 2006 Jorge Preciado, 2006 Kent McIntosh School-wide PBS has benefits for teachers and staff as well as students. Scott Ross, 2006 Sustaining School-wide PBS efforts Jennifer Doolittle, 2006
February 2009 Heather R. Reynolds NC Department of Public Instruction Bob Algozzine Behavior and Reading Improvement Center
State PBS Coordinator Heather R Reynolds Dr. Bob Algozzine
Levels of behavior risk in schools implementing PBS were comparable to widely-accepted expectations and better than those in comparison schools not systematically implementing PBS. Non-PBS Comparison Dr. Bob Algozzine
Schools with Low ODRs and High Academic Outcomes Office Discipline Referrals per 100 Students Proportion of Students Meeting State Academic Standard
Steve Goodman
Participating Schools 2004 Schools (21) 2005 Schools (31) 2006 Schools (50) 2000 Model Demonstration Schools (5) 2008 Schools (95) 2009 Schools (150*) Total of 512 schools in collaboration with 45 of 57 ISDs (79%) The strategies and organization for initial implementation need to change to meet the needs of larger scale implementation.
Percent of Students meeting DIBELS Spring Benchmark for Cohorts (Combined Grades) 5,943 students assessed assessed 8,330 students assessed assessed 16,078 students assessed assessed 32,257 students assessed assessed Spring ’09: 62,608 students assessed in cohorts 1 - 4
Percent of Students at DIBELS Intensive Level across year by Cohort
Began MiBLSi Implementation
I write to you today as a former Jackson Elementary school student who wishes to convey her fondest of gratitude toward a fantastic school. As I grow older and move from state to state, I never forget my roots and where my future began…. Though I had only attended Jackson for roughly four years during kindergarten, first, second, and third grade, I realize now that those years were just as important as any other and I am proud to say that I was once a Jaguar. Without further ado, I would like to state that nine years later I still remember your kindness, your positivity, and most of all the three R's: Respect yourself, Respect others, and Respect property. Those three lessons have stuck with me throughout the years, from age eight to seventeen, and have bettered me as a human being. In essence, I simply dropped by to express my thanks, and to reassure the staff of Jackson Elementary that their hard work does not go to waste, and that even the simplest of actions or words can spur on a revolution. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to live my life to its fullest. Sincerely, High School Student writing to her grade school principal
Team Training: 3-4 Events per year over a 2-3 year period Teams: Administrator, 3-7 individuals, district coach Coaching/Trainer capacity District coach District/County trainers Leadership Team Policies, Hiring, Annual Eval, Orientation, Evaluation Fidelity, and Impact
Nine Implementation Steps Build commitment Establish implementation team Self-Assess for local adaptation of SWPBS Define and teach expectations Establish system for recognizing positive behavior Establish consequences for problem behavior Establish classroom management structure Collect and use data for decision-making Establish function-based support for students with more severe support needs.
Leadership Team Active Coordination Funding Visibility Political Support TrainingCoachingEvaluation Local School/District Teams/Demonstrations Behavioral Expertise Policy
Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation Innovation Sustainability Implementation occurs in stages: Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, – 4 Years
Work smarter not harder Provide the organizational systems to support effective practices Training Coaching Collaboration (meeting time) Data
Initiative, Project, Committee PurposeOutcomeTarget Group Staff Involved SIP/SID/ etc Attendance Committee Character Education Safety Committee School Spirit Committee Discipline Committee DARE Committee EBS Work Group Working Smarter 1.Eliminate all initiatives that do NOT have a defined purpose and outcome measure. 2. Combine initiatives that have the same outcome measure and same target group 3. Combine initiatives that have 75% of the same staff 4. Eliminate initiatives that are not tied to School Improvement Goals.
Organizational Systems Policy and commitment Administrative Leadership Team-based implementation Team training Team time to meet and plan Access to data systems that are useful for decision-making (office discipline referrals) Universal screening Progress monitoring Coaching
Teams in a School Tier II Group w. individual feature FBA Team Brief FBA/ BIP BIPs Progress Monitoring Team Plans SW & Class- wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Sept. 1, 2009 Universal Team Universal Support
Your Organization 1.List name of teams in 1 st row, 2.List functions or activities of team in 2 nd row 3.Use bottom cluster of boxes for student interventions (programs). Use arrows to indicate “student movement” (if youth don’t respond to X intervention, where do they go next?)
Illinois Team Organization for 3-Tiered PBIS System of Support CICO SAIG Group w. individual feature Complex FBA/BIP Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Brief FBA/ BIP Brief FBA/BIP WRAP Secondary Systems Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Sept. 1, 2009 Universal Team Universal Support
Coaching After initial training, a majority of participants (211 of 213) demonstrated knowledge of practices, but poor implementation. Decision-makers should pair training prior to implementation with on-going rehearsal and performance feedback (coaching) Test, et al 2008 © Dean Fixsen, Karen Blase, Robert Horner, George Sugai, 2008
Coaching Defined Coaching is the active and iterative delivery of: (a) prompts that increase successful behavior, and (b) corrections that decrease unsuccessful behavior. Coaching is done by someone with credibility and experience with the target skill(s) Coaching is done on-site, in real time Coaching is done after initial training Coaching is done repeatedly (e.g. monthly) Coaching intensity is adjusted to need
Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill ImplementationClassroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002
Coach returns from leave Coach goes on leave
School-wide PBIS is an approach for investing in making the school a more effective social and educational setting for all students. Core features of RTI are an effective framework for improving Behavior and Academic Support