Poisonous Plants and Animals of Rose bay BY: Gerald Kennick Caryn Craft 1999
Poisonous Animals and Plants of Rose Bay n This project is about the different poisonous plants and animals at n Rose Bay. Our presentation will be a reminder for your safety and awareness at Rose Bay. You should be more careful when you go to Rose Bay
Venom And Bites At Rose Bay there are many poisonous At Rose Bay there are many poisonous snakes, spiders,and bugs. Some of the poisonous snakes are water moccasins, diamond back rattlers,coral snakes and,copperheads. All these snakes are front fanged,meaning their fangs are located in the front for striking.
Not all bugs are poisonous to us but to other wildlife. If we were to eat a monarch butterfly we might get sick. If a bird eats a monarch it might die. Bees and yellow jackets are common at Rose Bay some people have bad allergic reactions to their stings. Be careful for bee hives and sweets that you might eat.
Also medical cures are now available for many venomous bites and stings. There called Antivenins. Through out the world thousand people are killed each year by bites or stings.
Poisonous Plants Leaves of three, Leave it be.
Poison Ivy is abundant at Rose Bay noted for it’s three leaves and a red stem. Poison Ivy is really a weed that grows and spreads fast. Itching,Burning and redness will accrue to the skin if you come in contact.
Poison Ivy has three shiny leaves, with small yellowish- green flowers. Climbing up trees is usually where it’s found, but sometimes it’s found on the ground.
Sumac is a branched shrub or tree. It reproduces by seeds or rootstocks.Rose Bay is a perfect habitat for Sumac.
Amanita is white to orange on top with a veil that has small pieces of tissue on the very top of the cap,that look like rolled oats or oatmeal. It has caused deaths in the past, for being mistaken for an eatable mushroom.
The snow morel is one of the false morels. Many people have made the mistake of eating them. They cause nausea,vomiting, Diarrhea, and has resulted in some rare deaths.
Do you know any of the poisonous plants or animals at Rose Bay? “ umm pepper trees or something like that.” Would you like to learn more about poisonous plants and animals at Rose Bay?
“Yes, because I would like to become more aware while at Rose Bay. How did you learn about Rose Bay? “through Renet Diez’ “ Thank you,Come again.
How did you get in to your career? “Well, when I was 5 or 6 a snake got in our house and I was the only one to try the attempt to catch it. When I got it out side I let it go.” Do you enjoy working everyday with animals that can kill you? “If I didn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t be hear to day. I also have some immunity to their bites.