Feeding Strategic Planning Gaziantep, 16 June 2015
HNO Requirements What we know of HNO Requirements WoSA (Whole of Syria Assessment) 1.Total Population 2.Main Humanitarian Needs and Caseload 3.Impact of crisis 4.People in Need 5.Severity of Needs 6.Sectors specific requirements 7.Access and operational presence 8.Information Gaps and Assessment Planning Sectors Assessments: FSL, Health, Child Protection, Nutrition, Education, CCCM Multi sectoral Assessments: AoO, HTAU, NPM, Governorates Profiles, Urban Profiles 4Ws and XB and XL reach Assessment Registry Minimum set of indicators for HNO requirements available for all sub districts Data collection applied to fill the gaps by existent networks of operational actors and assessments networks Desk review Experts focus Group discussions PiN and Total Pop 4 4
Next steps ISCCG and SSG: 22, 26 June Methodology, Questionnaire and tools: June ToT and Training of enumerators: 1-15 July Field Data Collection and Experts Focus Group Discussions: 20 July-5 August Analysis kick-off 15 August
What is needed? Severity scales of all sectors finalized by end of this week Sectoral assessments questionnaires and sub- district coverage shared by end of this week Gear up for joint Analysis and reporting for the HNO
Thank you
Sub-districts Coverage HNO Requirements Total Population Affected Population Population in Needs Targeted Population Reached Population Impact of the Crisis Severity of needs Access and presence Information gaps Sector requirements 1 Sector requirements 2 Sector requirements 3 Sector requirements 4 Sector requirements 5 NIF Process Cluster planning 4 Ws Experts FGDs informed by data Severity scales + WoSA + Sectoral Assessments Assessments Registry Sectoral Assessments WoSA primary data collection
Total Population People in Need Severity of Needs Impact of crisis Sectors specific requirements Access and operational presence Information Gaps and Assessment Planning Main Humanitarian Needs and Caseload HNO 2016 Requirements
Reached Targeted PiN Affected Total Population 4 Ws + Population Reached XB & XL Cluster figure based informed among others by: Total population, severity of needs Definition of PiN by cluster informed by indicators covered through WoSA and Sectoral Assessments Definition to be agreed upon by Clusters. Calculation made based on Total population and questions covered through WoSA Methodology to be agreed upon by ISCCG. Informed by ESCWA figures, WoSA indicators, Satellite imagery, Urban profiles, Syrian National Statistics Office
Experts focus group discussions, secondary analysis with targeted report for HNO purpose informed by WoSA and sectoral indicators Impact of crisis Main Humanitarian Needs and Caseload Pre-crisis vulnerabilities Main drivers and roots of the crisis Availability, access to and use of basic needs Displacement trends Mortality, Morbidity and quality of life Gender and age perspective Livelihoods Social cohesion and coping mechanisms Discrimination against specific groups Gender inequalities and socio-economic vulnerabilities Status and roles of women, girls, boys, men and older people Barriers to accessing services: what and who…