Tarantula By Ellieand Syrena
Table of Contents Slide 1 – Introduction Slide 2 – Physical Description Slide 3 – Movement Slide 4 – Diet and Food Chain Slide 5 – Habitat Side 6 – Adaptation Slide 7 – Life Cycle Slide 8 – Survival Status Slide 9 – Fun Facts Slide 10 – Conclusion Pop Quiz Glossary Bibliography
Introduction The tarantula is a has many characteristics to learn about. The tarantula uses movements such as adaptations to the climate. Many people try to harm them or they are afraid of these beautiful animals.
Tarantulas are described by most people large and hairy Tarantulas are described by most people large and hairy. Their hair is about 1/6 of a centimeter in length and can be different colors like red, purple, orange, or black. It also has eight eyes and legs. Physical description
Movement The tarantulas eight walking legs walk slowly over time but when its scared it will run 10 miles an hour. they also have pedipals that are used for moving and touching prey. There legs are In a circle surrounding the body.
634 × 480 - andreype2011wp.edublogs.org Food Chain and Diet “The tarantula will eat anything smaller than its self. ’’ The food chai starts water and sun the sun and water feeds the plants witch comes next in the food chain. Insects eat the plants and also mice. Now, the frogs and toads after the plant eaters. Then, the tarantula eats mice, insects, frogs and toads. Finally, the spider eating bird, coyote, fox, snakes, and lizards eat the tarantula. The tarantulas diet is tarantulas will eat anything smaller than its self. The food chain starts off with the sun. Then, the bugs and insects. The tarantulas use their house to ambush or sneak up on insects.
adaptations Tarantulas have a bunch of adaptations like sensitive vibrations in the ground. They have irritating hairs. The hairs irritate the nose and the eyes of the tarantula.
Natural habitat Tarantulas live in places like Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Austraila, South America They burrow in trees and rocks so they can ambush their prey.
Survival Status The tarantula is endangerd because of its habitats destruction. Tarantulas can live up 30 years and 5-10 years on average.
Life cycle First ,they are an adult and lay eggs. Next, there eggs hatch and are baby tarantulas. After, they are babies that turn into teens. Lastly, they are adults and lay there own eggs.
conclusion I really hope you want to learn more about tarantulas, and will countinue learning about tarantulas.
Sensitive vibrations in the ground means: when the tarantula is in the ground it vibrates to get prey or danger away. Endangerd means: almost extincted Glossary
Biboligraphy I got this infomation at Desert museum .org/kids/facts/tarantula php. We also got this at Animals national geographic.com /animals/bugs/tarantula