By: Mrs. Geiger
Bats vary in size. LARGEST: 6’ & 2.2 lbs. SMALLEST: 1.25” & 0.07 ounces FACT NO. ONE
Bats are the only mammal capable of true flight. FACT NO. TWO
A single bat can eat more than 600 bugs/hour, which is like a person eating 20 pizzas a night. FACT NO. THREE
Bats make up about 20% of all classified mammal species globally. FACT NO. FOUR
In some countries, bats are symbols of happiness. & good fortune. FACT NO. FIVE
Animal Planet listed vampire bats as the third-most feared animal on the planet. FACT NO. SIX
Bats sleep upside down for two reasons. FACT NO. SEVEN
Bat Cave?!? 20 million bats live in Braken Cave > population of Mumbai, India FACT NO. EIGHT
#1: How small is the smallest bat? #2: What was the source of the animal quiz? #3: A bat eats the equivalent of how many pizzas each hour? QUIZ QUESTIONS