.Net – The First Glance What Is.Net, Why Use.Net
The Business Challenges Expose legacy data & services Stocks info, marketing databases etc. Connect business information systems My inventory management your ordering system Leverage other services in the solution Vacation you booked on my site in your Outlook calendar Web based components, subscription model Old component-DLL New component-Web svc.
The Developer Challenges OS/Language dependence VB on Solaris ?,MFC in Linux, on PalmOS Distribution: CD vs. Download,1 GB distribution vs. install on demand Stability and Maintenance DLL Hell,Upgrade pains Access violations Security Developer: application rights IT: security policy
.Net promise Common Language Runtime – many platforms C++,C#,VB Memory management & security Assemblies Self contained - no more DLLs Side by side deployment Web services Web based components Expose and interconnect existing systems & data.NET My Services – global roaming profile
.NET World.NET Solutions Servers: SQL, BizTalk, IIS.NET My Services3d party Web services Web services Class library -.Net framework Runtime OS
Solutions Using.NET Framework WindowsIISConsoleCell phone Hosts: C#VB.NETPerl.NET Languages: Managed C++
Exploring the framework Collections,Threads Streams, I/O,TCP/IP,MSMQ, WinForms,ASP.NET,GDI+ XML,Serialization,Remoting,SOAP Cryptography,Security ADO.NET CodeDOM,RegEx,Resources Reflection,COM/Interop
CLR – Common Language Runtime Common type system and language spec Value, reference, sizeof Method invocations, exceptions Garbage collection JIT Compiler ( JVM -> native code) Security Code access Identity Roles Based
CLR continued Threading Expose OS facilities Exceptions Use OS facilities Debugging & profiling
Assemblies Versioning Overrides Security Requirements Signing Deployment Xcopy WinInstaller Downloads
C# C++ - multiple inheritance & templates + interface inheritance (like Java) + garbage collection + some syntactic sugar Everything is an object (string too!) Delegates & events Attributes Comments that survive compilation Metadata that might be used by other tools
WinForms Used to build windows rich clients Layout in the code (Java like) + resources Data binding Custom controls Inherited Custom User (composite)
ASP.Net Web Forms: Codebehind (Separate UI & code) Web page is like a form (with a class behind) Server common & custom controls – generate html Web-Farm session state Caching
ADO.Net Fully XML based Recordset is dead: DataSet – fully disconnected very powerful snapshot with relation capabilities. Uses DataAdapter to read & write. DataReader = fire hose recordset: Read only forward only db data stream. Providers SQL.NET & ODBC.NET
Remoting – RPC Marshalling Channels: SOAP-HTTP, binary-TCP Proxies/stubs Lifetime management by leasing Lease manager asks clients when the lease expires
Web Services
Technology behind Web services SOAP – OS & transport agnostic RPC UDDI – discovery services (yellow pages) XML HTTP – Current transport for SOAP
Web service properties Stateless Talks in SOAP – XML WEB based components
Enterprise servers SQL 2000 Mobile Information Server SharePoint – document sharing & mgmt Commerce server BizTalk – business process integration server.
Migration path COM support Managed C++ Visual Studio 7 still support MFC & ATL
What can be useful for XLTEK Compact & embedded platforms (mobility) WinForms or ASP.NET for client side. Web service model for integration with other hospital IT services..Net My Services for identity management and other integrations. C# or managed C++ => stability & clarity.