Food Reserves in Tanzania Ensure Food Security at all times National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA)
The National Food Reserve Agency in Tanzania Public Institution under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives Mission : Guarantee the National Food Security at all times Establishment : 1 st July 2008
The National Food Reserve Agency in Tanzania What we do; Procurement and storage (Maize, sorghum) Marketing (non-profit organization) Modernization of operating systems Utilization of modern management tools
Partnership with WFP Support the National Capacity Building Implement safety net programmes Reinforce Emergency response Enhance access to markets for small holders Implement WFP strategy in using food assistance to underpin sustainable hunger solutions
Partnership with WFP Implement the ASDP and KILIMO KWANZA Strategy to promote best practices Food procurement from small holders Agricultural market development To benefit low-income farmers Combine WFP & NFRA s’ purchasing capacities to support sustainable development in food security and nutrition
What worked well ! The Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizing the cooperation between WFP and NFRA Purchases from small holder farmers through the logistics framework of the NFRA 80,608 mt maize purchased by WFP (33,000 mt in 2011 and 47,608 mt in 2012) Rotation of NFRA stocks
What worked well ! Quality Commodity Trainings operated by the WFP P4P Food Technologist Technical assistance for NFRA to enhance its role as the National Food Reserve Agency (400,000 MT) Strengthen Emergency preparedness and response capacity through enhanced storage capacity
The Challenges ! Put in place a new procurement strategy (purchase from Farmers Groups) Secure stocks at all times Compete with Private Sector Respond to WFP regional food requirements Modernise the operating systems Increase the storage capacities
Beyond WFP & P4P ! Mapping the Farmers Groups Establish efficient M&E systems Direct purchases from smallholder farmers Promote Food Security & Food Safety Increase the operational capacities to ensure efficient food reserves Promote the integration of the NFRA in the Agriculture Development Strategy
Thank You Asanteni Sana