Early Commissioning of ATLAS First North American ATLAS Physics Workshop Tucson J. Pilcher University of Chicago
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher2 Early Commissioning of ATLAS 10 Dec 04
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher3 Commissioning Goals Establish operation of full systems Readout Calibration systems Low Voltage, High Voltage Control and Monitoring Cryogenics, Gas, Cooling Establish initial calibrations Mev/ADC count Alignment and timing Chamber or sensors within a detector system Relative alignment and timing of different detector systems Demonstrate performance levels Noise levels Physics signals
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher4 Commissioning Stages Calibration systems only Cosmic ray muons MIP signals and inelastic interactions Stand-alone detector systems (2005-6) Full ATLAS detector (2007) Initial beam operation Single beam operation Beam-gas interactions Beam halo muons Beam-beam operation Minimum bias interactions Early beam-beam collisions Use physics signals (, -j, Z-j, j-j, )
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher5 This talk Concentrate on first three stages Other talks on commissioning with beam-beam physics signals Special emphasis on calorimeter systems More details at: Tatra Workshop: Overview week at Freiburg: commissioning session Overview week at Prague: commissioning session This talk draws on the work of many people R. Teuscher, R. McPherson, J. Huston, …
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher6 Preliminary commissioning already being done Combined test beam in 2004 Tilecal operation on cosmic muons in Bldg. 185 LAr operation on cosmic muons in Bldg. 180 Muon chamber operation with cosmics TileCal barrel on HF truck in UX15 Commissioning is iterative with larger scale integration at each step
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher7 Now: TileCal Commissioning on HF Truck in UX15 Photo from September 28, 2004 Record data from UX15 testing TTC, CANbus, HV, laser fibres via LED, 100 kHz L1A, CIS, readout noise, … Charge Injection Pulses OK Noise Test OK RMS (ADC counts)
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher8 Barrel calorimeters move to z=0 August 2005 when BT is assembled Detectors fully assembled and equipped with on-detector electronics Connect to services Stand-alone commissioning with calibration systems Eg. for TileCal (1/2 the system) –Charge injection to all readout channels (4K in barrel) –Cesium source activates tiles and fibers (220K in barrel) –Laser system activates each PMT (4K in barrel) First large-scale detailed commissioning
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher9 Charge Injection Calibration of TileCal Pulse individual channels over full dynamic range establish gain, linearity, stability Uncorrected channel-to-channel uniformity RMS ~ 1.3 counts/pC (1.6%) Gain variation over 4 months of CTB RMS ~ 0.2%
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher10 Cs Calibration of TileCal Cs-137 source illuminates individual tiles Stainless tubes pass through all tiles in the system Source capsule driven through tubes hydraulically Single tile response measured at 2% level Cell response measured at 0.3% level Week-to-week variations in cell response ~ 0.5%
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher11 Cosmic Ray Commissioning Full G3 simulation done by Rob McPherson and Pavel Nevski
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher12 Cosmic Ray Commissioning Rates are substantial 2.3 KHz for a hit anywhere in detector 0.5 Hz for |Z| < 60 cm, R < 20 cm Natural to trigger with muon system RPCs + … Global ATLAS cosmic muon run planned for 40 days in April 2007 before LHC starts Attractive to run barrel calorimeters on cosmics from late 2005 Before RPCs available Evaluated trigger using TileCal back-to-back trigger towers
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher13 TileCal Response to Muons Test beam data for 180 GeV muons at =0.05 Energy depends on path length through calorimeter 1K muons in a tower gives response to 1% S/N ~ 40 Tower Energy (pC) (~1.1 pC/GeV)
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher14 TileCal Cosmic-Muon Trigger Consider back-to-back TileCal towers x =0.1 x 0.1, full calorimeter depth Especially useful because tracks pass close to interaction point Analyze McPherson/Nevski simulation for rate and event properties S. Zenz (Chicago undergraduate)
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher15 TileCal Cosmic-Muon Trigger Require 2 back-to-back towers with E > 1.5 GeV Lower peak corresponds to additional towers struck (corners clipped) Rate is ~ 130 /hr for 16 top + 16 bottom modules in coincidence ~ 100K / month
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher16 -distribution of muons passing Tilecal trigger PX14PX16 D = 18 m D = 12.6 m Effect of PX14 shaft is clearly seen TileCal Cosmic-Muon Trigger
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher17 Typical Events
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher18 Typical Events (2/2) Example of muon scattering in detector
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher19 Muons in LAr Barrel Due to Accordion geometry, muons are reconstructed in middle compartment by summing two cells in . S( )/N 7 Barrel middle compartment Test-beam data With 100 events muon signal in LAr can be measured with ~ 3% precision For first shake-down Could use cosmic ray muons to measure first LAr physics pulse shapes and compare to calibration pulses. Useful to reconstruct combined muons in LAr + TileCal to match EM energy scale and timing. Note : S/N ratio too small in strip and back compartments
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher20 Muons in LAr Using TileCal Trigger TileCal Trigger tower size (0.1 0.1) corresponds to 4 4 LAr middle cells Resulting maximum non-projectivity : 3º, muons can cross at most 2 cells in and in non-projectivity probably not a problem, due to natural sharing between cells (two cells are summed) Cell Energy Studies of rate in LAr using TileCal cosmic trigger (back-to back towers) by Philippe Schwemling and Emmanuel Monnier. Est. ~ 6 months run
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher21 With ~ 100 muons/cell in middle compartment Check calorimeter timing to < 1 ns input to optimal filtering in ROD Check calorimeter position in / wrt other sub-detectors to < 1 mm t = 1.62 ns/E (GeV) + 19 ps (from calibration) Muons E~300 MeV t ~ 6 ns Test-beam data 1% precision measured with ~1000 with ~ 5000 : 0.5 % precision (~ 100 /cell integrated over )
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher22 Hardware Needed for TileCal Cosmic Trigger Electronics drawers in barrel (128) LV power (in TileCal fingers) Bulk LV power (200V for USA15) Cabling and fibers TTC hardware Standalone clock LVL1 trigger interface hardware Patch panels to separate tower and muon signals Receiver boards (64 towers each) Initially use custom trigger logic for cosmic ray running ROD/LVL2 hardware ROD modules, ROD crate and controller (ROD crate DAQ) Output hardware from ROD crate to PC via Ethernet Later use ROBIN/ROS
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher23 TileCal Muon Trigger Logic LVL1 trigger not designed to run on back-to-back muons Adapting it would be a diversion Also scheduled to arrive late compared to initial stand-alone calorimeter operation Build some simple coincidence logic Test by injecting muon signal into trigger tower Vary tower threshold and check efficiency
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher24 Time Table for Cosmic Ray Commissioning TileCal barrel complete Mar-06 (following checkout) Stand alone operation begins LAr barrel complete Aug-06 (following checkout) Stand alone operation begins Global commissioning Dec-06 through Feb-07 ATLAS cosmic run Mar-07 through Apr-07 ATLAS ready for beam 4/27/07
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher25 First commissioning with single beam Beam halo muons Generated by machine group Simulated in ATLAS Beam gas events Beam-gas Beam-halo Scoring plane
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher26 A “typical” beam-gas event Beam-gas collisions are essentially boosted minimum-bias events low-p T particles Rate : ~ 2500 interactions/m/s
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher27 Beam-gas Rates & Properties Vertex Z Rate (Hz) Total Vertex Z Rate (Hz) Total (2 months, =30%) (2 months, =30%) 23 m 1.2x10 5 23 m 1.2x x10 11 3 m 1.6x x10 10 20 cm 1.1x x10 9 p T > 1 GeV 1.0x x10 9 inside 3m p T > 1 GeV 0.3x x10 8 inside 3m E T spectrum in ECAL E spectrum in FCAL E T charged particles
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher28 Beam Halo Muons Total rate 105 kHz E > 10 GeV 16 kHz E > 100 GeV 1 kHz E > 1 TeV 10 Hz L=10 34 Muons at cavern entrance Especially useful for endcaps and ID disks and wheels
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher29 Beam-Halo Rates Estimate rates for 200 times less current than design Totals in table for 2 month run at 30% efficiency DetectorRate (B-field off ) Total (B-field off) Rate (B-field on) Total (B-field on) MDT barrel15 Hz2.5x Hz1.5x10 8 MDT end- cap 145 Hz2.5x Hz2.5x10 8 Pixel/SCT1.8/17 Hz 3x10 6 / 3x10 7 2/19 Hz 3x10 6 / 3x10 7 EM E > 5 GeV 2 Hz3.5x Hz1.7x10 6 Tile/HEC E > 20 GeV 1.7/1.2 Hz2.9/2.1x /0.9 Hz2.8/1.6x10 6
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher30 Triggering on Beam Halo and Beam-Gas events Minimum-bias scintillators being added in front of LAr end caps z ~ ± 3.5 m 14 cm < R < ~ 100 cm ~1.9 < < ~3.9 8 channels in , 2 channels in Readout via TileCal electronics drawer Joey Huston is project leader on this.
20-Dec-2004J. Pilcher31 Conclusions Good prospects for progressive commissioning process Stand alone detector systems with calibration systems and cosmic muons Global detector with cosmic muons Beam halo muons and beam-gas events in early 2007 Minimum bias beam-beam interactions by mid 2007 Fully simulated samples of cosmic muons, beam-halo muons and beam gas events exist R. McPherson et al. Final commissioning phase will be with physics signals Essential for final tune-up Essential for showing we understand the detector behavior