JOINING UP GOVERNMENTS EUROPEAN COMMISSION Establishing a European Union Location Framework.


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Presentation transcript:

JOINING UP GOVERNMENTS EUROPEAN COMMISSION Establishing a European Union Location Framework

Agenda Introduction Vision for the EULF Proposed activities –European policy alignment –Integration of INSPIRE in e-Government –Standards and interoperability –Benefits realisation Conclusions 2

European Union Location Framework 3 Is a European Commission led initiative to bring the power of location data and services to European Public Administrations enabling them to better address pressing social and economic issues and help users outside of government to create new products and services It will build on the experiences gained within the INSPIRE community for the environmental sector and extend the benefits to other sectors, such as energy, transport, health, telecommunications and security

European Union Location Framework 4 INSPIRE Directive 2007/02/EC The INSPIRE Directive lays down general rules to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment The infrastructure will build on infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by Member States

The objective is to create a European Union Location Framework (EULF), an EU-wide cross-sectoral interoperability framework for sharing location data and services European Union Location Framework As recognised in the recent communication “Towards interoperability for European public services“ COM(2010) 744, action on interoperability is essential to maximise the social and economic potential of ICT Digital Agenda for Europe a flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 Strategy 5

The EULF opportunity Location data is used a wide range of policy areas: environment, transport, health etc INSPIRE location data and standards can be used in other sectors, support cross-sector and cross-border applications, and make a significant contribution to e-government Action is needed to realise the potential of INSPIRE, engage decision makers and address the barriers to re-use and interoperability of location data and services This can be achieved through the establishment and adoption of the EULF 6

EULF Vision “Location data and services created by public administrations across Europe will be accessible by users inside and outside of government for individual, cross-sector and cross-border applications and will play a vital part in the drive towards effective e-government” What will it contain? The EULF will be a set of guidelines, standards, principles, policy measures and strategic actions that will help remove barriers to re-use and interoperability and realise the potential of these valuable assets How will it be developed? The EULF will be developed collaboratively with stakeholders and will be based on the wider adoption of INSPIRE, consistent with the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) and the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) 7

Proposed activities 8 EU Policy Alignment e-Government Integration Standards and Interoperability Benefit Realisation

EU policy alignment 9 Fact finding and analysis Identify policies and initiatives where location information is relevant Assess the synergies, gaps and inconsistencies between these activities and INSPIRE Recommendations and actions Define actions to improve interoperability, simplify implementation and reduce costs, including changes to INSPIRE DIGITISA actionsMAREMarine Knowledge 2020, Maritime security CONNECTPSI Directive, Open dataENVThematic Directives: e.g. Air, Floods, WFD MOVEIntelligent Transport SystemsAGRICAP post 2013 ENTRCopernicus, Galileo, Raw materials REGIOESPON and EU Cohesion policy ENERSmart grids and smart metering ESTATEuropean Statistical Programme Examples:

Integration of INSPIRE in e-Government 10 Fact finding and analysis Determine the role of location information and INSPIRE in Member States e-Government policies Determine where INSPIRE is used today in policy areas beyond environment Identify best practices and lessons learned that can be shared amongst Member States Recommendations and actions Create a benchmarking model to compare current implementations in Member States and use in measuring future progress Define best practice approaches and recommend actions for integration of location data and services in e-government implementations

Standards and interoperability 11 Fact finding and analysis Identify standards and best practices in publication and use of location information Identify gazetteers and techniques for discovering and combining location information from different sources Determine how well integrated are the policies for location information with wider EU and Member State information policies, ICT strategies and frameworks for interoperability (EIF, other ISA actions) Recommendations and actions Provide guidance and strategic direction on standards and interoperability for location data and services

Benefit realisation 12 Fact finding and analysis Identify benefits of better integration Identify best practices realising benefits from location information and INSPIRE Identify innovative applications, particularly cross- sector and cross-border Determine benefits of INSPIRE to the private sector Identify barriers to delivering benefits and what is being done to overcome them Recommendations and actions Provide guidelines and recommendations on delivering benefits with location data and services Facilitate identification and delivery of new cross- sector and cross-border applications

Benefit areas 13 BenefitsBeneficiariesOpportunities Increased coherence and consistency in EU policy Improved e-Government integration Increased awareness of the benefits of location information and interoperable services A coherent framework for sharing location information and use of location based services Increased interoperability between public administrations Enhanced use of standards and quality of information EU and member state policy makers and operational staff, through simplified and better integrated approach Citizens, businesses and voluntary sector, through improved services, better access to information and improved interaction with government Research, academia and statisticians, through better access to information Integrated transport systems Employment and mobility Health risk management Flood risk management Police and fire services Animal disease Food security Cross-border mortgages GMES and GNSS services Climate change adaption Statistics production

Relationship between EULF and EIF Legal Organisational Semantic Technical Policy alignment for location information EIF Levels EULF e-Government integration, best practices, facilitate new applications, benefit realisation Priorities / standards for core and domain-specific location information Business requirements for location information solutions, promote standards 14

Conclusions Location information is vital in all policy areas INSPIRE is the EU strategic approach for publishing and using location information INSPIRE Implementation is underway across Europe but there is a long way to go to realise its full potential More concerted steps are needed by EC and MS to: –Make implementation and use of INSPIRE more straightforward –Raise the location information profile and INSPIRE role –Ensure the INSPIRE approach is integrated into wider policy domains that use location information –Deliver tangible benefits as broadly as possible The proposed EULF work programme will establish the basis to realise these benefits as efficiently as possible 15

Thank you Questions and views? 16