Classroom Management Expectations For Student Teachers By Connie Claybrook
Where Do I Begin??? How do I control the class? How do I maintain classroom behavior? How do I deal with classroom behavior? What hook can I use? Expectations, Consequences, Rewards!.
These are questions every teacher asks and continues to deal with each year. It is one of the most difficult parts of being a successful teacher and one you need to address throughout your student teaching. Your classroom management plan should be aligned with your school’s philosophy, which can be found in your handbook. You may use my current system and tweak it to your style or come up with your own. Let’s be sure to discuss this. Honey Island Elementary uses the FISH philosophy which is based on the working environment of Pike’s Fish Market in Seattle, Washington. The ingredients that make this business an engaging environment for workers and customers. It is this philosophy that inspires our Positive Behavior Support System. The Fish Philosophy is adopted by St. Tammany Parish School Board. FISH! Full-Length Preview (wmv)Title: FREE FISH! Full-length Preview ish&rep=ch ish&rep=ch Time: 18:15 File Size: 138 MB
What is the FISH Philosophy? A skill that provides the process, tools and language to generate a classroom full of inspiration, creativity, and innovation.
Be There: It is about being totally focused on the moment and on the person or task with which you are engaged. When we are fully present with each other, we listen deeply and important opportunities do not escape us.
Choose Your Attitude It is about accepting full responsibility for all of our choices, especially our attitude at school. A positive attitude is a decision we make, moment to moment.
Make Their Day It is about doing something special for students and co- workers. When you make someone’s day, you have given them a special gift they won’t soon forget. It feels good to give it.
Have Fun It is about having fun, enjoying learning, being spontaneous, and creative. Life is too short to be grumpy all the time and FISH! Brings a smile to everyone.
Sample ways to implement FISH Stuff animals can be used in the class in a playful manner like in the fish market---lighter than throwing textbooks. Use a fish to throw from one to another to decide who answers a question. Use a fish (4 are needed) to recognize each day the student who demonstrated the principles the best that day. Provide a time each day for a class meeting to share and BE THERE for each student. Have students create and illustrate the class rules in positive terms.
THE BEGINNING Classroom Management Resources: The cooperating teacher and colleagues