Fish Philosophy: A remarkable way to boost morale & improve results
What is FISH Philosophy FISH! Philosophy is a skill that provides the process, tools and language to generate the skills necessary to design a workplace full of inspiration,creativity and innovation FISH! is a wisdom that everyone can embrace It is a practice that evolves over time creating a positive workplace and a vibrant culture each time it is embraced
FISH PHILOSOPHY It is an invitation that enables people to care about each other and their commitments It is committed to creating a culture of trust, accountability and innovation It encourages to re-awaken the self-trusting, creative spirit within each of us
Four Practices of Fish Philosophy be present make their day play Be present: to be present for co-workers and subordinates Make their day: Making someone’s day by taking initiative to solve their problems. Play: Enjoying your work Choose your attitude: about how people show up for their work. choose your attitude
First practice- BE PRESENT focused Fully engaged Amazing things can happen when you learn to be where you are
Be present! The past is history The future is a mystery Today is a gift That is why we call it the present
Make their day! Look for as many ways as possible to create great memories Involving others & working to make their day provides a constant flow of positive energy.
Make Their Day! It is good for business Serving customers well will give us the satisfaction that comes to those who serve others. It will focus our attention away from our problems onto how we can make a positive difference to others. This is healthy, will feel good, & will unleash even more energy.
Play! Happy people treat others well Fun leads to creativity Time passes quickly Work becomes a reward & not just a way to rewards
There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itsef Choose Your Attitude
Most of us are uncomfortable about thinking ourselves as artists … But each of us is an artist … With every choice, every day, you are creating a unique work of art … Respect your creative urges … step out in faith
You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than have ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given. If your clock is unwound, you can wind it up again
Meaning is not something you stumble across, like the answer to a riddle or the prize in a treasure hunt. Meaning is something you build into your life. You build it out of your own past, out of your affections & loyalties, out of your experiences of, out of your own talent & understanding, out of the things & people you love, out of the values for which you are willing to sacrifice something. Meaning! The ingredients to build Meaning: 1. You are the only one who can put them together into that pattern that will be your life. 2. Let it be a life that has dignity & meaning for you. 3. If it does, then the particular balance of success or failure is of less account.
Ways to implement FISH Philosophy Choose to make today a great day. Find ways to play Stay focused while being present Make the day of other people Our Work Place 1. As you enter this place of work, please choose to make today a great day. Your colleagues, customers, team members & yourself will be thankful. 2. Find ways to play. We can be serious about our work without being serious about ourselves. 3. Stay focused in order to be present when your customers & team members most need you. 4. And should you feel your energy lapsing, try this sure-fire remedy: Find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of support, or a good ear – and make their day.
And discover it for yourself!!! Try it, Go Read the Book And discover it for yourself!!! Lets go Fishing