Milton Somers Middle School Where students… To the challenge... espect ndividuals elf elf nvironment nvironment
Milton Somers Middle School Continuing the Tradition of Success RISE TO THE CHALLENGE
RISE BUCKS ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT School Service School Service Contributing to a Safe Environment Contributing to a Safe Environment SELFSELF Avoiding a Problem Situation Avoiding a Problem Situation Honesty Honesty INDIVIDUALINDIVIDUAL Helping Others Helping Others Positive Peer Pressure Positive Peer Pressure RESPECTRESPECT Other _________________________ You are to be commended for you positive contributions) to good character and pride in our school! Teacher ____________________________ Location _______________ Student ___________________________________________ Grade ____
Stop And Think Are You Rising To The Challenge? R espect I ndividuals S elf E nvironment Student__________________________ Grade ______ Date _________________________ Time ______ Offense: ___ Running ____ Unauthorized Location ___ Pushing ____ Inappropriate Language ___ Horseplay ____ Loitering Bus Hall Trailers ___ Locker Abuse ____ Other _________________ ___ Gum _______________________ Student Signature _________________________________ What Could you have differently to model RISE ? ______________________________________________________ ** Students who don’t demonstrate RISE are give Stop & Think tickets. 3= Parent Conference 4= ISR 5 or more = Suspension
-unsolicited help from students -helping other students -consistent improvement in behavior -consistently well-behaved -cooperative learning groups that are working together -“A” on test -accomplishment of learning goals -special contests -helped teachers (erase/clean boards, put all chairs up, cleaned out desks) -same as “Way to Gos” but in classroom -on-task behavior -helping others -catching kids in the act of “good deeds” -putting forth extra effort this quarter -showing improvement in everyday assignments -actively participating in class on a regular basis -setting goals for oneself (ex. Being on time for class and meeting those goals) -consistently interacting with peers and adults in an appropriate manner -remaining on task to complete assignments -when they see a student doing something extra to help someone without being asked
RISE ASSEMBLIES Referral Free For The Quarter
MONTHLY RISE LESSONS September/October Respect (RISE Overview) October Respect (Individuals) December Respect (Self) February Respect (Environment) March Respect (Self) April Respect (Bullying) May Respect (Year End Summary)
FISH PHILOSOPHY Pass It On Make My Day Faculty Fish Auction Staff Praise Board Wow Awards Monthly Drawings for Friday Lunch