Mr. Weiss
Are You Present? On a piece of paper, make a list of anything that is troubling you right now, or any negative emotion you might be feeling. Do NOT write your name on this paper. You can write things like: a. my Mom/Dad got mad at me last night for no reason at all b. my boyfriend/girlfriend really hurt me this morning c. etc. No one will see any of these, so please feel free to write anything.
Mr. Weiss Are You Present? NOW….you can let go of whatever was keeping you from being FULLY PRESENT, and you are now free to have fun and get a lot out of this class today!!
Mr. Weiss The FISH! DVD We will now watch the FISH! DVD. Please watch and listen carefully! The concept presented here is very important to the way this class will be run. Watch…listen…learn……….and have FUN!!! The FISH! Philosophy is a life-long learning approach that inspires us to feel alive and engaged in the work we do. FISH! is an invitation to re-awaken the self- trusting, creative spirit within all of us. To start new conversations about what’s possible. To develop new attitudes. To have more fun again. At work. At school. At home. Justin While they are talking about work, your work is school!!!! You can work hard AND have fun!
Mr. Weiss PostDiscussion 1. General thoughts, feedback on the DVD? What did you learn from this? “You’ve gotta choose where you’re going to be as soon as you get out of bed. I do consciously make that choice every day” - Bear 2. “You’ve gotta choose where you’re going to be as soon as you get out of bed. I do consciously make that choice every day” - Bear In what situations have you let your attitude affect your performance in school, at home, at work, etc., or in a relationship?In what situations have you let your attitude affect your performance in school, at home, at work, etc., or in a relationship?
Mr. Weiss PostDiscussion 3. “It’s a simple choice. That’s all it is. Ah – hah! I have it!” - Justin Think about someone you know who maintained a positive attitude even during tough times. What effect did their choice have on other people? What did he/she do to maintain that positive attitude?Think about someone you know who maintained a positive attitude even during tough times. What effect did their choice have on other people? What did he/she do to maintain that positive attitude?
Mr. Weiss PostDiscussion 4. When you are at work have you ever noticed there’s times where you kind of….you know (eyes roll back in head). You’ve really got to pay attention to those times you’re not present here because you go to sleep and, you know, I do it, and I think, man, if I hadn’t slept right there…. I missed someone right there.” – Ronnie When you are not “fully present” what impact does this have on your school work?When you are not “fully present” what impact does this have on your school work? Describe a time when you “missed” someone or something because your thoughts were somewhere else. What did you miss?Describe a time when you “missed” someone or something because your thoughts were somewhere else. What did you miss?
Mr. Weiss PostDiscussion 5. “Make the choice. Be happy or don’t be happy, you know. Wake up. It’s a much better world to live in.” - Justin How is happiness, or any attitude or emotion, a choice? What is out of our control that we cannot choose? What emotion or attitude do you typically choose that helps you achieve the results you want?How is happiness, or any attitude or emotion, a choice? What is out of our control that we cannot choose? What emotion or attitude do you typically choose that helps you achieve the results you want?
Mr. Weiss