Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant Students The purpose of Title III, Part A is to help ensure that children who are LEP, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English and meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet.
Purposes continued: Promote parental and community participation. Hold SEAs and LEAs accountable for the increase of English proficiency of LEP students. Ensure the LEA has meaningful consultation with private school officials and provide services to LEP students.
Monitoring Requirement: LEP Language Program 1. Districts must use funds to increase the English proficiency levels of LEP students by providing high quality language instruction educational programs that are based on scientifically based research with demonstrated effectiveness in increasing: 1) English language proficiency and 2) student academic achievement in the core academic subjects.
Monitoring Requirements: LEP Language Program 1. Funds are being used to increase English language proficiency by providing high quality language instruction programs. Evidence of developing and/or expanding services: Needs assessment School plan Review program
Monitoring Requirements: Annual testing 2. All ELLs in grades K-12 must be annually assessed with the ACCESS® proficiency test. Evidence: Test results Identification process Parental communication District policy
Monitoring Requirements: Parental Notification 3. Parents must be notified of the education program the student is being offered: 1) for a student who is new to the LEA, and 2) for a continuing student with the following required notification:
Parental Notifications: a-h A. The reasons for identifying their child as being limited-English proficient (LEP) and for placing their child in a language instruction educational program for LEP students. B. The child's level of English proficiency as measured by the ACCESS®. C. The method of instruction that will be used in the program, including a description of alternative programs. D. How the program will meet the educational strengths and needs of the child. E. How the program will help the child learn English and meet academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation. F. The program exit requirement, including the expected rate of transition from the program to an English-language mainstream classroom and the expected rate of graduation from secondary school. G. How the program will meet the objectives of an individualized education program for a child with a disability. H. The parents' rights in writing, including (A) the right to have their child immediately removed from a language instruction educational program on their request; and (B) the options that parents have in declining enrollment of their child in such a program or in choosing another program or method of instruction, if available; and (C) written guidance assisting parents in selecting among various programs and methods of instruction, if more tha n one program or method is offered.
Parental Notification (continued) Evidence: Parental letters Individual Education Plan (ELL Plan) District brochure/policy
Monitoring Requirement: 2-year Monitoring 4. LEAs must submit to the state a description of the progress made by students for each of the 2 years after students exit Title III services Evidence: ELL Plan Data systems Reports
Monitoring Requirement: Accountability 5. Districts must hold elementary and secondary schools receiving funds accountable for: 1) meeting AMAOs, 2) making adequately yearly progress (AYP), and 3) annually measure English proficiency of LEP students. Evidence AMAO/AYP calculations AMOA parental letters District/School Improvement plan
Monitoring Requirement: Teacher language Fluency 6. Ensuring that teachers are fluent in English and/or the target language of instruction (i.e. Spanish) that work in a language instructional program for English language learners. Evidence: District test Human Resource policy District document
Monitoring Requirement: Expenditure of Funds 7. Districts must expend funds based on an approved plan. Evidence: Purchase orders Contracts Reports
Consortium Requirements: 1. Must meet the same Title III requirements applicable to all LEA subgrantees. 2. Designation of a fiscal agent, roles & responsibilities. 3. Participating LEAs have an MOU that outlines how the consortium will meet all Title III requirements: AMAOs Parental Notification Participation in an Improvement Plan if the consortium as a whole, failed to meet AMAOs for 2 consecutive year. 4. Fiscal agent is responsible for ensuring an Improvement Plan is developed & submitted to DPI.
Questions: Jacqueline A. Iribarren, Ph.D. Title III, ESL & Bilingual Education Consultant (608)