Title VI Program Overview Benjamin Limmer Valley Metro Corridor & Facility Development Manager Phoenix, AZ
Title VI - Disclosure Title VI prohibits discrimination by recipients of federal financial assistance on the basis of race, color, or national origin, including the denial of meaningful access for limited English proficient (LEP) persons.
FTA Title VI Program New Requirements New Circular (4702.1B) effective Oct. 1, 2012 New Requirements -Title VI compliant form -Governing Board/Council approval -Racial & ethnic diversity of non-elected committee and council members -Monitoring subrecipients
FTA Title VI Program New Requirements - Analysis on facilities (e.g., storage facility) - Major Service Change and Fare Equity Policies -Service and Fare equity analysis on New Starts and other fixed guideway systems
Valley Metro Title VI Program City of Phoenix – primary/designated recipient Region a dopted City of Phoenix Title VI program City of Phoenix and Valley Metro to update program for region based on new circular
Title VI Proposed Policies Policies - Major Service Changes - Fare Equity Process - Drafted polices in coordination with City of Phoenix - Gathered community input
Major Service Change Policy Major Service Change - Establish a threshold of when a service change is considered a major change - Recommended 25% threshold % of minority/low- income population of proposed service change % of minority/low- income population of system Title VI Impact
Fare Equity Policy -Any proposed fare change requires Title VI analysis - Establish a threshold for comparing the impacts a proposed fare change has on its riders - Comparison ensures riders are being charged equitably based on the ridership demographics of the services they use - Recommended threshold of 4%
Fare Equity Policy Example: Proposed Local Fare 5% Increase Local Riders = 50% Minority Proposed Express Fare 20% Increase Express Riders = 30% Minority Increase on Predominately Minority Fares (5%) < Increase on Predominately Non-Minority Fare (20%) 5%-20%= -15% 4% Policy No Title VI Impact
Title VI for Capital Projects Public outreach to engage Environmental Justice (EJ) populations throughout project development Title VI/EJ analysis is conducted per FTA guidance Analysis looks at how project impacts EJ populations