Parent Involvement Jeffrey Tesnow, Rasha Hetata, Chantelle Rose October 2014
Parents Right To Know Annual Notification Title I-served buildings Parents may request the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teacher(s)
Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Notifications sent to parents of children in Title I schools If taught four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified
Parent Notification For Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students District notifies parents of participating students in LEP programs
District Improvement (DI) and School Improvement (SI) Status Notifications/letters no longer have to be sent to parents upon DI/SI identification
Targeted Assistance (TA) Programs Eligibility list Multi-criteria Service specific students who are at-risk of failing:
Schoolwide Programs 40% poverty or higher Improve educational opportunities for all students
Parental Involvement District Policy
District Written Policy Develop jointly with parents Agree upon with parents Distribute to parents of participating children and the community
District Written Policy Involve parents in development of the district policy, school plans and school improvement Conduct an annual evaluation of content and effectiveness of the policy
School Parental Involvement Plan
Update periodically Make available to the community Address specific building requirements Annual meeting Parent meetings May provide transportation, child care and home visits School Parental Involvement Plan
Involve parents in planning Provide parents with information about the curriculum, assessments, proficiency levels and opportunities for decision-making Involving Parents in the Plan
School-Parent Compact Component of the school-level plan Plan of action that outlines how everyone shares responsibility for student success
School-Parent Compact School: high-quality curriculum and instruction Parent: support their children’s learning
Plan effective two-way communication: Parent-Teacher Conferences Progress reports Reasonable access to staff and volunteer opportunities USDoE template: No signatures required School-Parent Compact
Set aside 1% of the District’s Title I allocation (if more than $500,000) At least 95% of the District’s set aside must go to the building level Include the Nonpublic Parent Involvement Amount Reservation
Parental Input
Parents of participating children SHALL be involved in decisions on how funds are allotted for activities
Provide opportunities for full participation of all parents with: - LEP - Disabilities - Migratory children Parental Input
SHALL provide assistance to parents in understanding topics such as: State and local academic assessments Common Core State Standards Building Capacity To improve student academic achievement, each district and school served with Title I funds
SHALL provide materials and training in: Literacy Technology Building Capacity
SHALL educate school staff in the value and utility of contributions of parents Building Capacity
SHALL coordinate and integrate with other parent programs, activities and community groups Building Capacity
SHALL ensure information is sent to parents of the participating children in a format and language the parents can understand Building Capacity
Expenditures must be based on the needs assessment and goals. Examples: Family Literacy Parenting Skills Allowable Activities
Is this “Reasonable and Necessary?”
Is this “Reasonable and Necessary?” Materials for parents to use to educate their children
“Is this “Reasonable and Necessary?” Incentive or Reward
“Is this “Reasonable and Necessary?”
Is this “Reasonable and Necessary?” Parents on Field Trips
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