October 3, 2013 Wilkes Lab STC North
Michele Hiester
October Enrollment Low Income ◦ Field 88 (Poverty code) LEA Discretion Used to determine official LI count ◦ Field 33 – Participation in FRL ◦ Field 131 – Eligible for FRL – used to submit data to Federal Government Free/Reduced Lunch Limited English Proficiency
October 1 Enrollment ◦ Official total public enrollment ◦ Planning and policy development Low Income ◦ Official poverty count ◦ Teacher loan forgiveness program Free/Reduced Lunch ◦ Official free/reduced lunch count Limited English Proficiency ◦ Title III funds
School Performance Profiles ◦ Published report assessing school success ◦ Data from this collection are used in this report ◦ No appeals for profile data once data is finalized in PIMS ◦ Cognos reports for profiles – Production SPP
Education entities educating public school students submit data to PIMS October Student Snapshot template ◦ Not all Student Snapshot templates are the same ◦ October is a true snapshot in time capturing who was educated on October 1 October Data Collection Timeline ◦ 10/1/13 – 10/18/13 – Submission Window ◦ 11/4/13 – 11/15/13 – Correction Window ◦ 11/22/13 – Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS) due
Key Submission Fields ◦ Location Code (field #2) 4 digit school number ◦ Current Grade Level (field #10) ◦ Gender Code (field #15) ◦ Race or Ethnicity Code (field #27) ◦ Challenge Type (field #34) ◦ LEP/ELL Status (field #41) ◦ Poverty Code (field #88) ◦ Food Program Eligibility (field #131)
Timely and accurate data submission Focus on all purposes of collection, not just one
Tim Wentz
Staff members who are: ◦ Active ◦ On long-term leave (semester or longer) ◦ Long term substitutes who are filling vacant positions ◦ Separated from the LEA between 10/23/12 and 10/21/13 for any reason ◦ LEA employees and employees subcontracted from other entities
Staff members who are: ◦ Temporary staff (day-to-day sub) ◦ Support staff ◦ Security staff (report in June) ◦ Staff employed by another LEA that administers a program to your students
Observe all certificated and non-certificated personnel within public PA LEAs and the costs of those positions (captured through salaries not including benefits) Observe trends related to personnel filling the positions in PA public LEAs. ◦ Experience ◦ Education ◦ Termination, etc.
Staff Template ◦ Cumulative record of all staff (terminated and non- terminated) ◦ Required to submit Staff Assignment, Staff Snapshot and Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) templates Staff Snapshot Template ◦ Demographic record of all staff for a single year as of a specific date (October 21, 2013)
Staff Assignment Template ◦ Report assignments for a given school year ◦ Percent of time allocated to each assignment Staff Collection Timeline ◦ 10/21/13 – 11/8/13 – Submission Window ◦ 12/2/13 – 12/13/13 – Correction Window ◦ 12/20/13 – Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS) due
All staff must be: ◦ Submitted using a valid PPID ◦ Reported for open schools with student enrollments Staff assignment data is used to update TIMS. All IUs report staff at location code Report long-term substitutes in the October collection only if they are filling a vacancy. School security personnel can no longer be uploaded during the October Staff Collection.
PIMS User Manual Volume 1 ◦ Revised the Staff to Be Reported in PIMS ◦ Field 8 – Job Description (required field) ◦ Field 44 – Job Class Code Long (revised codes) ◦ Field 776 – Address (required field) Data Quality Engine (DQE) Validations ◦ Compound Rules ◦ Advanced Rules
How do you know your data is secure?
How do you know your data is secure? Brainstorm with your team and write your ideas on the top half of the blue sheet. Be prepared to share out.
Read Examples of Data Security Best Practices Highlight anything not previously mentioned that you think is a good (and doable) idea.
What Can You Do to Increase Security? Using ideas from the handout and discussion jot down some ideas on the bottom half of your blue sheet that can be implemented tomorrow at your district.
What needs to be addressed at the next meeting?