K-3 Move on When Reading January 29, 2014 Becky Ridge Carmen Fernandez
Move on When Reading Beginning in the school year , Arizona will implement new policy that will create multiple opportunities for 3 rd grade students to master grade level reading. According to ARS : A requirement that a pupil not be promoted from the third grade if the pupil obtains a score on the reading portion of the Arizona instrument to measure standards test, or a successor test, that demonstrates that the pupil's reading falls far below the third grade level. Exemptions: English Language Learners or Limited English Proficient that have received less than two years of English Instruction; and Students with disabilities provided that the pupil’s individualized education program (IEP) team and the pupil’s parent or guardian agree that promotion is appropriate based on the pupil’s IEP.
Components 1.Site/District Literacy Leadership Team 2.K-3 Assessment Plan 3.Master Block Schedule 4.Core Reading Program – Block 5.Reading Intervention Plan 6.Parent/Guardian Communication 7.Professional Development
Master Schedule
Core Instruction – Foundations
Response to Intervention Tier 3 – Lexia/Mindplay Dyned Tier 2 – WTR/SFA. Tier 1 – WTR/SFA ELA Units
K-3 Intervention Tiers GradeTier I (On Level) Tier II (1 year below level) Tier III (2 or more years below Level) 3rdSkatekidsRamps to Reading Lexia/Mindplay 2ndRamps to Reading Lexia/Mindplay 1 st Ramps to Reading N/A KinderRamps to Reading N/A
2013 Arizona 3 rd Grade Reading 17,000 Approaches 3,059 Falls Far Below 20,059 Not Passing
2013 Sunnyside 3 rd Grade Reading 346 Approaches 57 Falls Far Below 403 Not Passing
Exemptions ELL ▫>18 months of English Instruction ▫Identified between November 2012-March 2014 SPED ▫Language/Reading Disability ▫Team evaluation to determine promotion or retention
Promotion Plan Reading Diagnostic, Benchmark and Progress Monitoring – RAPS 360 Master Schedule ▫75 minutes Core Instruction daily ▫60 minutes Intervention 4x a week ELL targeted afterschool Assessment Predictor – RAPS 360 ▫October ▫December AIMS Results – May 22, 2014
Retention Plan Summer School ▫June 2 nd -26 th ▫2 sites ▫Tech assisted interventions ▫Designated Curriculum Post Assessment (RAPs360) to determine if student made sufficient growth to promote to 4 th grade ▫After summer school ▫Within 30 days of beginning of school ▫At the end of 1 st and 2 nd quarter
Promotion Plan after Retention After demonstrating reading proficiency on AIMS Parallel Assessment, students can be promoted to 4 th grade at the following checkpoints: ▫Summer School – June ▫October ▫December
Site Raps Data
Raps Data Analysis Pivot Tables ▫C - a critical student is below grade level in comprehension and fluency. ▫A - an approaching student is at grade level in comprehension, but not in fluency. ▫M - a meeting student is at or above grade level in both comprehension and fluency.
Interventions Lexia Mindplay Ramps to Reading/SkateKids Phonics Gap Lessons
AIMS Blue Print AIMS Sample Assessment AZCCRS Sample Assessment