The Rise of Islam
Over history Western Asia has given birth to some of the worlds greatest & most powerful civilizations known to man In the seventh century one such group rose to spread its influence across the world…..The Arabs The Arabs lived on the Arabian Peninsula which consisted of mainly desert The Arabs were nomads who were constantly on the move in search of water & food They organized themselves into tribes ruled by sheikhs who were chosen by the leading families or the council of elders Although the tribes were independent they retained a loose connection to each other
On the oasIs & rain fed areas the Arabs lived as sheep herders & farmers With the domestication of the camel they were able to populate more of the desert The camel also allowed for trade to expand & trade routes to be developed as well as towns along those routes Most early Arabs were polytheistic or believed in many gods with the highest being Allah Their religious beliefs can be traced back to Abraham who is believed to have built a house of worship called the Kaaba located at Makkah Here is located the Black Stone which is believed to be the cornerstone of Kaaba laid by the prophet Adam
During this period a man was born in Makkah to a merchant family & later orphaned at the age of five Over time he would become a caravan manager & marry a rich widow named Khadija Over time Muhammad would become troubled over the greediness of the wealthy Makkans Worried he began making visits to the hills to meditate where during one of these visits it is believed that the Angel Gabriel visited him revealing revelations from God
Gabriel told Muhammad to recite what he was told He believed that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses & Jesus-and thus through the Christian & Hebrew religions, however, he was receiving the final revelations of Allah The written words of these revelations became the Quran or the holy book of the Islamic faith The word Islam means “peace through submission to the word of Allah” The Quran contains ethical guidelines & laws by which the followers of Allah are to follow Those that practice Islam are called Muslims & believe in one God, Allah, & that Muhammad is his prophet
Once Muhammad returned home his wife, Khadija urged him to follow Gabriel's message, & she became the first to convert to Islam Muhammad then set out to convince the people of Makkah about the truth of his revelations This was not easy as the wealthy feared that his attacks might upset the political & economic structure After 3 years Muhammad had become discouraged by persecution & the failure to get acceptance of his message as only 30 were followers of his message
In 622 or year 1 of the Islamic calendar Muhammad left Makkah with his followers & settled in Yathrib, later named Madinah (City of the Prophet) The journey is known as the Hijrah In Madinah he began to win support as well as in the desert from the Bedouins These groups of people would form the first practicing community of Muslims Submission to the will of Allah meant also to Muhammad, his prophet, thus he became not only the religious leader but the political leader as well His skills allowed him to put together a strong army to protect his followers In 630 he & 10,000 of his military returned to Makkah The city surrendered with most of the people converting to Islam Muhammad declared the Kaaba a sacred shrine to Islam Two years after his triumph return to Makkah Muhammad died All Muslims are encouraged to make at least one trip to Makkah in their lifetime which is known as the hajj
Islam is a monotheistic religion with Allah being the supreme God It emphasizes salvation & hope for the afterlife for those who subject themselves to the Islamic teachings or will of Allah Unlike Christianity Islam does not consider its first preacher, Muhammad, to be divine, but rather a prophet who was a man like other men Muslims believe that man rejected Allah’s earlier messages & messengers & now sent his final revelations through Muhammad
Islam is a direct faith that stresses the need to obey the will of Allah which means practicing acts of worship known as the Five Pillars of Islam: belief, prayer, charity, fasting, & pilgrimage Belief-Muslims believe in one God, Allah, & Muhammad is his messenger Prayer-Five times a day Charity-Give to the poor Fasting-During Ramadan Muslims refrain from food & drink from sunrise to sunset Pilgrimage-Each Muslim is expected to make the pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in their lifetime Those that follow the law go to eternal paradise
IIslam is not just a set of religious beliefs but a way of life AAfter Muhammad’s death scholars developed a set of codes known as the shari’ah which provides believers with a set of laws to guide their lives TThis is based on interpretations of the Quran TThis regulates all parts of life including the family, politics, life, business, & moral conduct TThere is no separation between religious matters & political or civil matters IIn addition to the Five Pillars Muslims are expected to practice honesty & justice as well not to partake in eating pork, gambling, drink alcoholic beverages, or engage in dishonest behavior