Preparing for Title III Program Application Process March 24, 2011 NC DPI Title III/ESL Consultants Glenda Harrell & Ivanna Mann Thrower
Title III Application & Tier I Monitoring Continuous Cycle of Improvement that informs SEA & LEA Practice Summary of Evaluation of Basic & Supplemental Language Instructional Program for ELLs
Evaluation Basic/Core ESL Incidence of grade retention of ELLs compared to Non-ELL peer groups Response Percent Proficient of ELLs v Non-ELLs meeting NC Math Targets Percent Proficient of ELLs v Non-ELLs meeting NC Reading Targets Response Effectiveness of Professional Development Assurance of Equitable Access
Legal References SBE Policy GCS-K-000 Lau Requirements the approach is based upon sound educational theory all required components are reasonably calculated and implemented with integrity evidence of academic performance demonstrates language barriers are actually being overcome.
Higher Incidence of Retention
Types of Data Collection
Adjustments in
Fewer ELLs Meet NC Reading Goals
Fewer ELLs Meet NC Math Goals
Adjustments for
Basic PD for ELLs
PD Evaluation Method
Adjusted Basic PD
Assurance: Equitable Access Title VI Rights Act of 1964 LEAs must ensure ELL national origin minority students have meaningful access to all school programs. NC State Board Policy GCS-K-000 LEAs shall Promote the involvement of parents of ELLs in the educational programs of their children. Ensure ELLs are not assigned to or excluded from school programs because of their limited English language proficiency Ensure ELLs are not categorically excluded from any service or isolated from the school community. NCLB Title III § Civil Rights “Nothing in this part shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with any Federal law guaranteeing a civil right.”
Assurance of Equitable Access
Adjustments for
Supplemental Title III Services Section 3115(g) of Title III of the ESEA : SUPPLEMENT, NOT SUPPLANT -- Federal funds made available under this subpart shall be used so as to supplement the level of Federal, State, and local public funds that, in the absence of such availability, would have been expended for programs for limited English proficient children and immigrant children and youth and in no case to supplant such Federal, State, and local public funds.
Title III Services
Adjusted Services
Title III Parent Involvement
Adjustments for
Title III Professional Development
Adjustments to PD in
Application Contents Categorizes and differentiates Basic/Core and Supplemental Title III Incorporates use of data to evaluate program components