Knowledge Management April 2009
Background Agreement signed between Spain and UNDP on 18 December 2006 Euros 528 million + 90 million (24 Sept. 2008) Supporting national priorities through joint UN efforts towards the implementation of the MDGs Supporting the implementation of the Paris Declaration/Accra Administrative Agent = UNDP
Eligible countries Rate of Success %
Thematic Windows to Date WindowAllocation (US$)Approved (US$) Gender90,000,00089,640,000 Environment90,000,00089,500,000 Economic Governance60,000,00059,625,000 Youth, Employment and Migration80,000,00070,281,000 Culture and Development90,000,00095,494,000 Conflict Prevention and Peace Building 96,000,00094,000,000 Children, Nutrition and Food Security 135,000,000134,500,000 Private Sector and Development65,000,00063,100,000 TOTAL$696,140,000
MDG-F: UN Agency Budget % “Other” refers to UN Agencies with less than 3% and includes: IFAD, IOM, UNAIDS, ESCAP, ECLAC, WB, UNCDF, UNCTAD, UNEP, UNHCHR, UNHCR, UNHABITAT, UNOPS, UNODC, UNRWA, UNV, UNIFEM and UNWTO
Progress All eight windows closed 81 approved joint programmes for over $445 million to date 54 signed joint programmes 44 joint programmes with released funds
MDG-F Approval Processes Convenor working with Secretariat and UN Agencies develops terms of reference for window Review and approval by Steering Committee UNCTs given 12 weeks (increased from 8) Request for Proposals Convenor selects members of Technical Review Committee (TRC) with assistance from Secretariat Translation of all Concept Notes into 3 languages Review of CNs by TRC Approval by Steering Committee and UNDP Administrator officially informs RCs Concept Note (CN) Approval UNCTs given 10 weeks to formulate JP External expert and Secretariat review JP Steering Committee members approve JP and UNDP officially informs UNRC Some JPs returned for revision and given 4 weeks Joint Programme Approval UNCTs given 4 weeks to get JP revised (if necessary) and signed UNCT submits funds release form Programmes begin implementation JP Signature and Start Up lll
Lessons – Design and governance Opportunities/strengths Light structure Secretariat role MDTF Office Risks/weaknesses Transfer of funds through UN Agency HQs Technical sub- committees
Lessons – Formulation, approval and implementation Opportunities/strengths Broad range of JPs Discussion on joint design and formulation Opportunity to strengthen joint M&E CN and JP feedback Misc. feedback Risks/weaknesses Second round Lack of oversight by Gov’t on funding Poor beneficiary identification Capacity building = technical assistance and workshops RC accountable but little control
Role of the Resident Coordinator Focal point for the MDG-F Secretariat Represents the UNCT in the National Steering Committee Mediates and resolves UN Agency issues Etc. lll
Lessons – M&E Opportunities/strengths Opportunity to further develop joint evaluation Participatory M&E Standard methodology KM potential Risks/weaknesses Weak M&E culture UN Agencies and KM
Lessons – Communication and advocacy Opportunities/strengths General communication of the fund Programmes and communication Risks/weaknesses Many levels of information One agency/one donor?
Joint Programmes Quality is still an issue (about 50% return rate) Why? Sharing between countries vs. lack of communication between JPs National ownership vs. weak Steering Committee RBM and M&E savvy vs. lack of understanding re concepts JP implementation Lag in recruitment Lead agency/lead ministry Joint implementation and joint management
Strategies Monitoring and evaluation Knowledge management Communications and advocacy
Knowledge Management Two tier approach Electronic platform ○ Similar to facebook ○ Members include all partners associated with JP including JP staff, Gov’t, UN Agencies, Spain etc. ○ Repository for documentation ○ Networking, adhoc discussions Convenor agencies ○ Working with their Agency colleagues will undertake KM on thematic areas lll
KM and Convenor Agencies Starting point: MDG-F joint programmes Generating lessons learned to feed back to the joint programmes Applying the joint UN concept to KM Cross-cutting issues such as gender, joint programming etc. How to submit for funding? lll
Thank You Culture and Development Logo in BiH MDG-F Culture JP in Egypt