Misfits: People Who Walked by Faith For His Sake, Not Our Own 1 Kings 18:17–39
Memory Verse “Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” 1 Kings 18:37
Learning Goals Explore: Students will understand that their acts of faith are not just for their own benefit but also ultimately for God’s glory. Transform: Students will identify ways that they will make God’s name known in the world.
Discussion Why is it so hard to live every day for God’s glory and not our own? Why is it so much more important to reveal who God is than who we are? What benefits does God give His people when we live for His glory? How does living for God’s glory make His name known to the nations? What areas of your life are easiest to give Him glory for? What areas are harder?
Key Study 1. As the one true God, His glory is not to be shared. 1 Kings 18:17–24
Key Study 2. Denying God the glory that He deserves is man-centered idolatry. 1 Kings 18:25–29
Key Study 3. A life of true faith is motivated to bring God’s glory to all people. 1 Kings 18:30–39