The Learning Matrix A Digital Learning Environment
The Learning Matrix at ENC Goal: Improvement of preparation of future teachers through digital resources that support standards-based learning Audience: Math and science faculty at two- and four-year colleges and universities Located at The Ohio State University and Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC)
Targeted Collection of Digital Resources Information about best practices in undergraduate teaching Web resources with challenging mathematics and science content Course descriptions, syllabi, and lesson plans Electronic communities and professional organizations
Upcoming Priorities Establishing standards for selecting resources Enlisting partners at 2- and 4-year colleges for ensuring quality and usefulness of collection Establishing basic web site for promotion and needs assessment Beginning collection of resources Creating a database for cataloging and describing the collection.
Key Collaborative Activities Metadata creation and use with other NSF Digital Libraries Machine learning project with Syracuse University Compatibility and integration using core integration systems by and others Efficient integration with other ENC projects— ENC collection and Ohio Resource Center
Questions or Comments? Project Director Kim Roempler at or Assistant Director Judy Ridgway at or