{ BMW Texting and Driving By: Ashley Fox
Background Information This ad was published on June 29, This ad was published in the magazine AutoWeek. BMW is one of the most respected car automakers. BMW publishes multiple ads to stop texting and driving.
What is the purpose?
The purpose of this advertisement is to persuade people not to text and drive.
Who is the audience?
The audience is anyone who drives and owns a cellular device.
What is omitted?
The gender of the child and the race of the child is omitted. This is omitted to show that the result of texting and driving can cause effect to anybody.
What if the phone and text at bottom was taken out?
If the phone and text was taken out of the picture then the picture would not have the same purpose. The purpose would change to something about a BMW car not about the effects of texting and driving.
Ethical Appeal?
The speaker earns their credibility with the audience due to showing the BMW symbol. BMW is one of the most trusted car companies.
Logical Appeal?
It is logical that if you text and drive you are endangering others around you whether they are driving or just a pedestrian. The effect can be severe.
Emotional Appeal?
When looking at the picture I felt suspense. I wonder if the driver puts the phone down in enough time to notice the child.
What do you notice first?
The first thing my eyes go to when I see this image is the cell phone. I see it first because it is placed in the foreground.
Sources Sources BMW. Advertisement. texting-and-driving-ads/. N.p., 2011 June 29. Web. 20 Sept