Multi-tasking Misunderstood? Texting & Driving Multi-tasking Misunderstood?
How many of us? How many of us have done it? Astonished by others multi-tasking? Study while listening to music? Study while watching a TV show?? Study while chatting with friends??? Text while Driving!!??? Pray while in Hospital Beds!!???
So far? Many accidents Many laws Government persuasion Banners Warnings Spot fines Issuing Tickets
How things may change Sense of Morality Heavy Fines and Punishments Attack the Wallets Stringent Laws Leverage the Fear Documentaries & Hypes Attack the sensitivity of viewers
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Putting the brakes on the distracted driving epidemic will require both dedication and creative thinking, and the FCC is committed to doing its part to address this growing crisis. - Julius Genachowski (Chairman) Working with Industry & Government Article “The Dangers of Texting While Driving”
The Dangers of Texting While Driving Driver distraction – 18% of all fatal crashes! 3,092 people killed 416,000 people injured 40% of American teens have been in cars driven by distracted drivers Texting increases risk 23 times 11% of accidents with ages 18-20 texted while driving
Governor’s Highway Safety Association 11 States, DC, PR, Guam and USVI prohibit use of hand-held cell phones while driving NO State bans ALL CELL PHONE USE 37 States ban novice drivers 19 States ban school bus drivers 41 States, DC, PR, Guam and USVI ban texting for all drivers 6 & 3 for novice and bus drivers respectively
What to do? Government & Organizations doing their job But something missing? Cannot be eradicated Too many variables to consider Modify existing rules & practices Minimize damages to life & property
Steps to be Taken Increase fines by 100% or 200% if possible Many follow laws just to prevent paying fines Temporary suspension of license is caught more than once Fear of being caught to be leveraged All efforts to be capitalized No time and money to be wasted
Steps to be Taken Collective effort required to make sure efforts reach the masses Polls & Questionnaires regarding laws passed to check the reach Decisions & Strategies based on poll results AT&T “ItCanWait” Campaigning of such efforts
Leverage Sensitivity? Dramatize situations Documentaries involving true incidents Instill the fear of how people are affected Real situations and reactions create a huge impact Recent voices over gunshots People related easily creating a long-standing impact Hitting sensitivity – one of the best ways to reach masses
Leverage Sensitivity? Talk shows and Interviews discussing the topic in detail Spread the message through media People need to be reminded constantly of such important stuff Should be instilled in sub-conscious Good way to make people do things; good or bad!
What does it really take!? Boils down to MORALS! Government takes EFFORTS! People translate efforts to RESULTS! At least get people to make CALLS and avoid TEXTS! – Less risky! One person make one another person follow rules every month 4,000 people following rules every year Baby steps to a victorious Nation!
Works Cited Austin, Michael. "Texting While Driving: How Dangerous is it?." Car and Driver. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jul 2013. < dangerous-is-it>. "Cellphone and texting laws.". Insurance Institute For Highway Safety, n.d. Web. 23 Jul 2013. <;. Distracted Driving Laws Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), n.d. Web. <>. No Texting While Driving. AT&T. Web. 24 Jul 2013. <>. "STATE LAWS." Digest of Distracted Driving Laws. Distraction.Gov. Web. 23 Jul 2013. < laws.html>. "The Dangers of Texting While Driving." Federal Communications Commission. Federal Communications Commission. Web. 23 Jul 2013. <>.