Integers 7th Grade Math
Integers Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. This means they are positive and negative numbers. Examples: - 4, 5, -5, 2, -245
Comparing Integers When you compare integers, you need to place them on a number line and then decide the order they go in. The further right a number is on the number line the larger it is.
Add and Subtract Song to the tune of “Row Row Row Your Boat” Same Signs Add and Keep Different Signs, Subtract Keep the sign of the larger value Then you will be exact *It works!!!
Practice - 3 + - 6 = Same signs – add answer is negative because 6 is larger 8 + (- 4) = Different signs- subtract 8-4= 4 and the answer is positive because 8 is larger
One Exception If you have a subtraction sign with a negative sign right next to it…. Then you will change them to a plus sign and then follow the rules to the song. 6 – (- 3) = 6 + 3 = 9
Multiply and Divide Rules for multiplication and division… Same signs = positive answer Different signs = negative answer + x + = + + / + = + - x - = + - / - = + + x - = - + / - = - - x + = - - / + = -
Examples 15 / - 3 = - 5 -4 x – 5 = 20