Real Numbers- any numbers that are real. Rational Numbers- is a number where two numbers that can be written as a fraction. Integers-can be written as a positive or negative number. Whole Numbers-are only positive.
Rules of addition Words to add two numbers with the same sign,add their absolute values.The sum has the same sign as the numbers added. 8+7=15 -6+(-10)=-16 Words to add numbers with different signs,subtract the lesser absolute value from the greater absolute value.The sum has the same sign as the number with the greater absolute value. -12+7=-5 18+(-4)=14
Subtraction Rule- subtract a number from a number add the opposite of the first number to the second number. 3-2=1 3+(-2)
The sign of a product Words the product of two real numbers with the same sign is positive 3(4)=12 -6(-3)=18 The product of two real numbers with different signs is negative 2(-5)=-10 -7(2)=-14
The Distributive Property is where you take a(b+c)= (ab)+(ac)
Inverse property of multiplication The product of a nonzero number and its multiplicative inverse is 1 Division rule to divide a number A by a nonzero number B, multiply A by the multiplicative inverse of B The sign of a quotient The quotient of two real numbers with the same sign is positive The quotient of two real numbers with different signs is negative The quotient of 0 and any nonzero real number is 0
Square root of a number If b 2 =a then b is a square root of a 3 2 =9and -3 2 =9 so 3 and -3 are square roots of 9