Research Papers.. Biology 423L Research Paper: Genetics behind cloning of a human gene: Outline due Oct. 23.


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Research Papers.

Biology 423L Research Paper: Genetics behind cloning of a human gene: Outline due Oct. 23.

Writing a scientific paper: Choose a topic Collect papers Define the problem you want to present Make a title – active statements work well eg. Grant’s disease is caused by a defective potassium pump Make an outline: Define a title for each section – even each paragraph. Use active statements again. Eg. Grant’s disease is a genetic disease that affects breathing The Grant’s disease mutation is on Chromosome 7 A mutation in a potassium pump is linked to Grant’s disease Expression of wild type potassium pump reverts Grant’s disease effects in cultured cells Grant’s potassium pump message is expressed in lung cells Treatment of patients with potassium pump blockers has no effect on progress of disease. Microarray analysis suggests potential treatment. These can be used as section titles or as topic sentences (see below). The sentences of the outline could be strung together to make an abstract.

Choose figures to illustrate your points. You can copy figures from some of the papers you read. If so, cite them properly eg (from Smith et al., 1987). The figure with its figure legend should be comprehensible without reading the text. Write the paragraphs. First sentence is a topic sentence. Last sentence is a concluding sentence. Active voice don’t try to sound academic but use proper grammar and no slang Define your terms. If referring to a figure, define the figure but do not duplicate the figure legend. Maintain the same tense, either past or present. Citations: When you discuss published work, cite the paper. Do the citation in the first sentence in which the study is mentioned. Eg. Seven large families with a high incidence of cystic fibrosis were surveyed for DNA markers linked to the disease (Smith et al., 1987). References: at the end of the section: in alphabetical order. Eg. Smith J, Jones, P.A. and White, K Family studies map cystic fibrosis to Chromosome 7 Genetics 130:

Cloning a gene into a plasmid for replication in E. coli



Physical mapping of genes: Libraries of genome sequences or transcripts (cDNA)

Analysis methods Protein isolated, Fragments sequenced, DNA sequences that could encode fragments predicted, Make DNA oligonucleotide that matches, Make a radioactive probe, Use to screen phage, YAC, BAC, or plasmid library Isolate positive clones- Analyze to find the gene for the protein in the DNA insert

Transfer bacteria (phage) onto nitrocellulose Filters. Make the filter a replica of the plate Lyse the bacteria so the DNA is fixed in place Probe with a radioactive probe

Analysis methods Isolate positive clones- Analyze to find the gene for the protein in the DNA insert Southern Blot