Evaluating Transcripts from Hell UC Counselor Conference September 2015
Agenda Discuss evaluation guidelines and rules Review sample cases Questions
Prior Term Applicants Accuracy of application information is important. We can review all applicants from prior terms to compare with current application. Omitting schools and coursework (including non-US schools/coursework) is a serious academic integrity issue. Example below:
Credit Limitations Two similar courses, each is transferable, but if a student takes both, UC will award credit for only one course Always check TCA footnotes for any limitations UC works in student’s best interest when determining which course to limit
Credit Limitations, Example
Partial Credit How much credit will UC award for the 3 courses completed below? 10 units? TCA Footnotes: Maximum credit allowed for HIST 111 if taken after HIST 117 or SOC S 131: One unit (per catalog) No credit for SOC S 131 if taken after HIST 111,117 or 118. Fall 2011 HIST 117 History of the United States 3 units Spring 2012 HIST 111 The Woman in American History Fall 2012 SOC S 131 Introduction to Social Science: History & Sociology 4 units
Other Grades Besides A-F Per the Foothill College website: “Attempted Hours - Credit hours for which you earn a grade (excluding Incompletes, P/NP, or Ws); note: WF is the same grade as an F and counts in attempted hours.” UC honors the grading system of the sending institution.
Incomplete Grade The I grade is assigned when a student’s work is of passing quality but is incomplete for good cause. UC will honor the sending institution’s policy for replacing the I grade in determining whether to include it in the GPA computation.
Repeats & Duplication UC allows repeats of C-, D, and F grades only Repeat of C (2.0) grades not allowed Repeat of courses out-of-sequence not allowed UC courses must be repeated at UC Repeat of C grade is considered “duplication” Duplication is determined by course content, not course title
Successful Repeat of Coursework, Example
Duplication of Coursework, Example
Out-of-Sequence Coursework UC will not award credit for lower level courses after more advanced course has been passed D- is lowest passing grade – still earns units toward 60 minimum Cannot repeat a lower-level course if D- or higher grade has already been earned in higher-level course Applies to courses in chemistry, math, and language other than English** **includes ESL
Out-of-Sequence Coursework, Example
Advanced Placement Credit UC awards up to 8 quarter units of credit per exam. Articulations vary by campus. UC articulations and placement do not necessarily mirror those of the CCC.
Language of Instruction No credit for lower-division language courses in the high school primary language of instruction (LOI) e.g. HS LOI = German; no lower-division German language credit allowed toward units or GPA Limitation does not apply to students who study abroad for 1 year in high school Lower-division literature courses are acceptable for credit
Language of Instruction, Example
Former UC student Former UC students must be in good standing at their previous UC campus Bad standing = overall or last term GPA < 2.0 Students may use UC summer courses to offset GPA deficit UC courses must be repeated at UC, but not necessarily at original campus
Effective for Fall 2014 Applicants: Lower Division Credit Max Effective for Fall 2014 Applicants: All units of lower division (freshman/sophomore level) coursework will be limited to a minimum of 70 semester/105 quarter units toward the UC degree, regardless of the type of institution the credit was earned (2 or 4 year). Transferable units beyond this limit earn subject credit only. AP, IB, and/or A-Level examinations units are not included in the limitation. UC units are added to the maximum lower division transfer credit allowed.
Lower Division Credit Max, Example
Sample Application, Example
Resources Helpful Resources for Counselors UC Counselor Pages: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/ Guides for Counselors: http://preview.tinyurl.com/UC-Counselors-Guides Ask UC: askUC@ucop.edu ASSIST: www.assist.org IGETC Standards: http://icas-ca.org/standards-policies-and-procedures-manual
Thank you!