Powerpoint Jeopardy Evidence for Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonic Boundaries RocksEarthquakes and Volcanoes CA Hazards
Mid-ocean ridges form when this happens
This is the cause of continental drift
This is what creates deep ocean trenches
The ocean floor is the newest at this topographic feature and the oldest and this other topographic feature
This is why magnetic stripes support the theory of plate tectonics
This is the type of boundary when two plates slide past each other in opposite directions
This feature forms at transform boundaries
This topographic features forms when two continental plates collides
These are 2 features that form at an oceanic-continental convergent boundary
These are 3 topographic features that form at divergent plate boundaries
This rock is formed when old rocks are changed by heat and pressure
This rock contains strata (layers) that keep a record of earth’s history
This type of rock makes up mid ocean ridges
This type of rock is most likely found in a subduction zone
These are 3 differences between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks
This is the first step to cause an earthquake
A cinder cone volcano would likely form at this plate boundary
This type of earthquake occurs at transform boundaries
These are 4 differences between the Richter and the Mercalli Scale
These are 5 features of a gently-sloped volcano
Erosion happens most often in this CA location
Volcanoes are found in this CA mountain range
Most of the fresh water in CA comes from this general location
Earthquakes in CA are likely to happen close to this feature
Tsunamis may hit CA in this area and are caused by this.
Final Jeopardy CATEGORY: Plate boundaries
Final Jeopardy Explain how a convergent plate boundary creates volcanoes, earthquakes, metamorphic rocks, and ocean trenches. Write one sentence for each.