Welcome Class of 2015 February 2011 Parent and Student Information Session
Graduation Requirements for all students Earning Credit Specific Courses Assessments Registration Process Remarks from administrators Questions/Answers Today’s Agenda Today’s Agenda
How do you earn credit? 1.0 credit per single block course (passing grade of at least 70 required) 4 courses per semester = 4 credits 2 semesters (8 courses) = 8 credits 4 years of high school (4 x 8) = 32credits* *26 credits required to graduate
How do you track student progress? 3 progress reports: every 4 ½ weeks Report cards are once a semester (2 per year = one in December and one in May) Check your student’s Infinite Campus account every so often…you determine
Why do credits matter? Credits determine grade level and promotion: 10th grade: 6.0 credits Credits must include 1.0 credit ELA, 1.0 credit math, 1.0 credit science, 1.0 credit social studies plus at least two additional credits 11th grade: 12.0 credits Includes 2.0 credits of each: ELA, math, science, social studies plus at least four elective credits 12th grade: 18.0 credits Includes 3.0 credits of each: ELA, math, science, social studies plus at least six elective credits
How many credits are required? 26 credits are required in Glynn County for the Class of 2015 (23--state required plus 3 local) 32 possible credits
Areas of Study English/Lang Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Health/Personal Fitness Foreign Language Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE classes) Fine Arts
Graduation Requirements 4 English Lang Arts 4 Mathematics 4 Science 4 Social Studies 1 Health/Personal Fit. (or 3 credits of MJROTC) 9 electives: 2 Foreign Language* 7 CTAE electives TESTS: Pass 5 GHSGT Complete 8 EOCT
GHSGT (Georgia High School Graduation Test) Writing—fall of 11 th grade Other 4 tests—spring of 11 th grade English/Lang Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies 5 opportunities to pass each test before graduation; remediation offered May not participate in graduation ceremonies in May 2015 unless passing scores are posted on all five tests
End of Course Tests (EOCT) State mandated Diagnostic Indicate student’s mastery in a subject area Grade: 15% of semester average Given at the end of semester 9 th grade English American Lit Math I Math 11 Biology Physical Science U.S. History Economics
Academic Course Information English 9 th Grade Lit/Comp and Am Lit/Comp + 2 more courses Math Math I, II, III, or Accelerated Math I, II, III + 1 more: AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Dual Enrollment Math Support I, II, III Science Biology Phys Science or Physics Chem, Env Science, or an AP course + 1 more: may be CTAE science: General Hort. or academic science: Physics, Human Anatomy Social Studies World History, U. S. History, Am. Govt., Economics
Helpful Math Information DOE Math Brochure DOE Relevant Math Information
GA Business & Computer Science Education Family & Consumer Science Marketing Sales & Service Government & Public Service Agriculture
GICA Plant Science/Horticulture Forestry/Natural Resources Veterinary Science Financial Management Interactive Media Small Business Develop. Marketing & Sales Travel Marketing Sports & Entertainment Mktg Broadcast/Video Engineering Manufacturing Nursing Graphic Design Collision Repair Construction Metals Technology Law & Justice Culinary Arts Architectural Drawing
Class of Minimum: 26 credits of credit 2.Specific course requirements 3.Assessments: Post passing scores on GSHGT and complete the EOCTs
Typical Freshman Schedule First Semester Lit/Comp 9 Physical Science Career Education & Exploration Elective or Band Second Semester Math I World History Personal Fit / Health Elective or Band
Considerations Registration process begins now Promotion requirements to grade 9: pass CRCT in reading and math and pass core courses Consider electives–select 6 in priority order Foreign Language/Latin—consider 10 th grade, consider alternate
AP World History—college course; commitment of time: paired with World History Honors (2 blocks) AP Night: Monday, Mar 14 6:00pm in the GA Cafeteria Every course counts; prep for GHSGT Social identification: clubs, sports, band Parent involvement
How Registration Works Presentations to 8 th grade students Information sent home to parents Week of March 7 th – advisement Academic teachers will recommend core classes Choose electives
Middle school guidance counselor Student’s team leader or teachers General info: Websites: Glynn Middle WebsiteGlynn Middle Website Glynn Academy Website Glynn Academy AdditionalInformation
Becoming a Successful 9 th Grader-Advice from 9 th grade teachers: Do homework every night – whether it is assigned or not. Use your AGENDA Come to class prepared Study new vocabulary all the time Ask for help when you don’t understand “#1 reason students fail is because they forgot”:forgot they had a test, forgot their book, forgot to do homework, forgot to come to school…”
Class of 2015 Welcome to Glynn Academy! Together we can make a difference in increasing academic achievement for all students.